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How Well Do You Know: 2/3/14-2/9/14
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1. And speaking of football - sweet, sweet football - you will be able to catch some Thursday night games on this over-the-air network in the fall:
2. A significant thread looks to be being sewn into the US professional sports fabric, now that the soon-to-be-drafted Defensive Player of the Year from this conference has stated he is gay:
Big 10
Big 12
3. One of our favorite NBA figures was given his walking papers during the weekend, as the _________ fired their head coach:
4. And now, for the baseball report. Fans of the way the game was meant to be played mourned the passing of Hall of Famer Ralph Kiner this week. Kiner tore it up during his career with the:
White Sox
5. Meanwhile, if you signed an 8-year, $135 million contract this week, then you have a surprising amount in common with the guy who plays first base for the:
Red Sox
6. The week in college basketball began on a memorable note, as we were treated to a triple overtime game between ranked teams from this conference:
Big 10
Big East
Big 12
7. Meanwhile, that same night, one Trevor Cooney tied his school's record by recording nine three-pointers. Cooney plays for this team:
Notre Dame
Florida State
8. These two teams battled it out during two overtimes on Saturday - with both teams accounting for exactly one field goal made in both extra frames combined:
Georgetown and Butler
Pitt and Virginia Tech
Arizona and Arizona State
Michigan and Iowa
9. And Oklahoma State's Marcus Smart has been sent to his room to think about what he's done. And what he's done is shoving a fan in the stands during the Cowboy's weekend game against this school:
West Virginia
Texas Tech
10. And what do you know, the Olympics have snuck up on us. The Sochi Opening Ceremonies won general acclaim from critics and viewers, though there was that one snag when:
One of the illuminated Olympic rings did not light up properly
Several doves released into the air during the ceremony fell dead
The Canadian delegation was initially barred from marching in the parade of nations
The stadium briefly lost power during the ceremony
11. The duo who lit the Olympic cauldron were a famous Russian figure skater and an infamous Russian:
Hockey player
12. In closing, we note that the tournament director of golf's AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am must weekly wash the car of this famous person, who saved the tournament director from choking to death Wednesday night:
Chuck Norris
Hugh Jackman
Clint Eastwood
George Clooney

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