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How Well Do You Know: 1/31/13-2/6/14
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1. It was a dark week for past Oscar winners. Much-admired and respected Philip Seymour Hoffman died from heroin use, less than a decade after winning the Best Actor Academy Award for his portrayal of:
Richard Nixon
Harvey Milk
Truman Capote
J. Edgar Hoover
2. Meanwhile, the New York Times printed renewed allegations that this Oscar-winning director had molested his step-daughter decades earlier:
Roman Polanski
Woody Allen
Peter Jackson
Michel Hazanavicius
3. Pop Culture/Super Bowl fallout, Part I: This well-known actress broke with the charity Oxfam over a to-do caused by her appearance in a Super Bowl ad:
Angelina Jolie
Scarlett Johansson
Natalie Portman
Jennifer Anniston
4. Pop Culture/Super Bowl fallout, Part II: Members of this band were in full-on damage control mode after they were seen clearly not playing their instruments during a half-time "performance":
Goo Goo Dolls
Imagine Dragons
Red Hot Chili Peppers
5. Pop Culture/Super Bowl fallout, Part III: Fox put this show into the mildly-coveted time slot immediately following the Big Game:
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Sleepy Hollow
The Mindy Project
New Girl
6. Pop Culture/Super Bowl fallout, Part IV: And closing out with an obscure but pretty great item, this show correctly predicted the Super Bowl matchup (though they got the winners wrong) all the way back in 2005:
The O.C.
Malcolm in the Middle
The West Wing
The Simpsons
By way of explanation.....
7. Man of Steel sequel does some more significant albeit questionable casting. Identify the correct pairing of Oscar nominee and Oscar winner that will play Lex Luthor and Alfred the butler.
Mark Wahlberg and Geoffrey Rush
Jesse Eisenberg and Jeremy Irons
Johnny Depp and Alan Arkin
Leonardo Di Caprio and Christoph Waltz
8. As this online entity celebrated its 10th birthday this week, it not only looks like a monkey, but it smells like one, too:
9. Author J.K. Rowling really, really wants you to keep asking her about Harry Potter. And if you did this week, she would have told you that she regrets the following aspect of the end of the novel franchise:
Not killing off Harry
Having Ron and Hermione end up together
Not ending the series a novel earlier
Harry killing Voldemort
10. Bad news for NBC alum that returned this past fall. Which of these got pulled from the peacock network's schedule this week?
Sean Saves the World
The Michael J. Fox Show
Both of them
Neither of them, so forget we said anything
11. If you are into the supposed tawdry affairs of Bill Clinton, you were in luck when Tom Sizemore claimed that Elizabeth ______ had a year long affair with the President. (But now all parties are denying the truth to the statements, including Sizemore.)
12. It comes full circle for Jay Leno when he signs off (again) from the Tonight Show. This guest appeared on his first show in 1992 and on his last one this week.
Steve Martin
Jerry Seinfeld
Billy Crystal
Ted Danson

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