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How Well Do You Know: 1/20/14-1/26/14
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1. The 2014 Australian Open is in the books, with the rather surprising Men's and Women's singles champions coming from:
Czech republic and South Korea
Switzerland and China
Poland and Russia
Denmark and Serbia
2. Villanova seems to be the cream of the newly reshuffled Big East this year, though the Cats had their lunch handed to them Monday night, who made 21 3-pointers on their way to victory:
The Bluejays
The Musketeers
The Friars
The Red Storm
3. If you fill out a perfect March Madness bracket this year, you may very well receive a check for $1 billion, courtesy of this Very Rich Dude:
Mark Cuban
Warren Buffet
Bill Gates
Rupert Murdoch
4. All of us were shocked - SHOCKED - when coveted Japanese pitcher Masahiro Tanaka was lured into signing a 7-year, $155 million contract with this MLB bunch:
Red Sox
5. If you dig your hockey played outside, then you might have enjoyed the NHL games held at these two venues during the week:
Dodger Stadium and Soldier Field
Soldier Field and Fenway Park
Fenway Park and Yankee Stadium
Yankee Stadium and Dodger Stadium
6. In news from The Association, this franchise saw one of its players set a team record for points in a game when he put up 62 in a victory Friday:
New York
7. Former baseball bigshot Greg Maddux - perhaps you have heard of him - decided this week that when he enters the Hall of Fame, his plaque will have ___________ logo on it:
The Braves'
The Cubs'
The Padres'
8. We tried really, really, really hard to care about this increasingly silly Pro Bowl nonsense, and just about hurt ourselves in the process. Anyway, this was the first quarterback picked to participate in the goofiness:
Phillip Rivers
Drew Brees
Cam Newton
Andrew Luck
9. Anyhoo, when all was said and done, the result of the Prow Bowl was:
Team Sanders winning by 8 points
Team Sanders winning by 7 points
Team Rice winning by 1 point
Team Rice winning by 3 points
10. And in closing, was your favorite NFL team sued by its own cheerleaders during the week? If so, then you likely root for:
The Jets
The Raiders
The 49ers
The Dolphins

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