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How Well Do You Know: 12/27/13-1/2/14
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1. 2014 started out liberating for this newswoman who came out of the closet this week.
Jane Pauley
Robin Roberts
Julie Chen
Elisabeth Hasselback
2. Congrats to this sitcom star who starts the new year as a new bride as she married her boyfriend of six months on New Year's Eve.
Kaley Cuoco
Kat Dennings
Mindy Kaling
Julie Bowen
3. Which of these films closed our 2013 with a global take of $1.3 billion?
Despicable Me 2
Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Iron Man 3
4. This big name star announced via Twitter, of course, that he will be doing a DC comics movie in 2014 that will be "cool bad assery."
Ryan Gosling
The Rock
Vin Diesel
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
5. We start out the SLW year bidding farewell to James Avery, who died at age 68. Avery is best remembered as a parental figure on what show?
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
The Nanny
That 70s Show
King of Queens
6. If you realized your lifelong dream of being anointed Dame of the British Empire this week, then you have a surprising amount in common with:
Cate Blanchett
Angela Lansbury
Kate Winslet
Miley Cyrus
7. Social media got a whole lot more social when the accounts of 4.6 million _____ users were hacked this week.
8. Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson was the ultimate winner in the standoff, when the show's network ___ lifted his suspension, which showed they were more interested in making money than taking a stand.
9. A potential celebrity feud failed to occur this week when ______ took the high road in response to interview remarks by comedian Jay Mohr about the actress/new mother being fat. "So sorry you felt the need to publicly fat-shame me. Be well and God Bless. Please send my love to your beautiful wife."
Kate Winslet
Alyssa Milano
Jessica Simpson
10. The Wolf of Wall Street is doing solid box office business but it's getting criticize for supposedly glamorizing the real life con men it portrays. The film also pinged on the pop culture radar for what distinction?
Scorsese refuses to do any Oscar campaigning for the film
It is the new record holder for most uses of the F-word
DiCaprio donated his entire salary to Feelgood Foundation benefiting first responders
It claimed the top box office of the weekend over Frozen and The Hobbit

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