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How Well Do You Know: 11/22/13-11/28/13
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1. There was a big, big event surrounding the anniversary of a certain pop culture Doctor this week. Which of the following is true?
As a tie in with Dr. No's 50th anniversary, theaters held special Bond movie marathons
A CBS special discussed the impact of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, 15 years after its first episode
Dr. Phil celebrated 10 years on the air
In conjunction with its 50th anniversary, a new Doctor Who special aired
2. Many, many, many people turned out for Catching Fire, the newest Hunger Games movie. The franchise's second film brought in $158 million in its opening weekend, the _______ biggest opening of all time:
3. Fans and disciples of this comedy may or may not have been left reeling this week after the show killed off one of its long-time characters:
The Simpsons
Family Guy
Two and a Half Men
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Look carefully, and you may just be able to spot the major cleavage flashed by this TV brunette on the red carpet of the American Music Awards:
Sophia Vergara
Zooey Deschanel
Sarah Shahi
Naya Rivera
5. Possibly dozens of people watched the AMAs on Sunday night. Ask any one of them, and they'll probably tell you that this famous singer won Artist of the Year for a third year in a row:
Taylor Swift
Justin Timberlake
Lady Gaga
Katy Perry
6. If you announced this week that you signed a deal with Yahoo that casts doubt on the future of your network TV show, then you have a surprising amount in common with:
Dr. Oz
Katie Couric
Mario Lopez
Queen Latifah
7. If you were asked to type out a description, using 11 letters or fewer, of the winner of Dancing with the Stars' newest champion, you'd type:
HSM star
Glee star
Idol winner
Ozzy's son
8. Congratulations to longtime SLW favorite Jennifer Love Hewitt on her big week. Not only did she give birth to a baby girl, who shares her name with a ________, but she also announced she secretly married the child's father:
Day of the week
Here is James Franco and Seth Rogen doin' their thing in "Bound 3," a send-up, side-by-side parody of "Bound 2" which had been released by this notorious duo:
Dr. Dre & Snoop
Spencer & Heidi Pratt
Kanye West & Kim Kardashian
Eminem & Lil Kim
10. Since we've sullied the quiz by including one question about a Kardashian, what's one more?

The manager of this pop culture black sheep suggested openly this week that Khloe Kardashian might be the daughter of _______, fortifying a National Enquirer report last year that the had changed his will to include her.
Phil Spector
Roman Polanski
OJ Simpson
Hulk Hogan

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