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How Well Do You Know: 11/18/13-11/24/13
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1. This NFL division went winless on Sunday, which is weird, considering that there was a divisional matchup played.....
NFC North
NFC East
AFC West
AFC South
2. ...but which makes more sense once you factor in the tie that was played out in this stadium:
Ford Field
Soldier Field
3. If you are considering buying the Buffalo Bills, then you have that in common with this rock star:
Bruce Springsteen
Adam Levine
Elton John
Jon Bon Jovi
4. Oh Will Muschamp, you so crazy......The fans of the Gators were left shaking their damn heads as Florida lost on Saturday to a FCS team from this southern state:
5. Florida's loss was even more dumbfounding considering that their opponents:
Failed to record a single rushing yard
Record a first down
Cross the 50 yard line on offense
Failed to record a single passing yard
6. Step forward if you emerged from the weekend still undefeated. Not so fast, Baylor, as you had your lunch seriously handed to you by:
Texas Tech
Oklahoma State
Kansas State
7. Meanwhile, this school racked up 80 points in the course of taking its opponents to the woodshed on Saturday:
Florida State
Ohio State
8. Meanwhile, in college roundball, this school's squad held sway as the new #1 team in the country:
Michigan State
9. In news from the Association, this star guard went and got himself kicked in the face by Tony Allen during a drive to the basket Monday night:
Rajon Rondo
Tony Parker
Kyrie Irving
Chris Paul
10. And this team looked to knock off the Pacers, Friday night, but their strategy of getting outscored 25-8 in the third quarter derailed their goal:
11. If you want to see a home game for the newly awarded MLS franchise, then 1) you'll have to wait until 2015, and 2) head to this city:
New Orleans
12. And the Spanish Inquisition of winter blockbuster trades sent the Tigers' slugger Prince Fielder to a team in this division:
NL East
NL Central
AL East
AL West

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