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How Well Do You Know: 10/18/13-10/24/13
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1. Not quite hitting first at the box office last weekend (actually hitting third place) was a remake of what Stephen King horror film?
Maximum Overdrive
2. Standing ovations occurred and it was deserved for a change at the Kennedy Center, when comedian _______ received the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor.
Carol Burnett
Lily Tomlin
Betty White
Roseanne Barr
3. Which sitcom actress took to Twitter this week admonishing young Hollywood: "This week's celeb news takeaway: she who comes closest to showing the actual inside of her vagina is most popular. #stopactinglikewhores. There is a whole generation of young women watching. Sure, be Sexy but leaving something to the imagination."
Amy Poehler
Zooey Deschanel
Mindy Kaling
Rashida Jones
By way of explanation.....
SLW now loves Rashida Jones even more.
4. Programming note: Which NBC show has been put on hiatus until mid-November, which follows the networks cancellation of two shows: Ironsides and Welcome to the Family?
Parks & Recreation
The Michael J. Fox Show
Chicago Fire
The Blacklist
5. If you're a singer who has asked to leave the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi after posing in front of the religious monument for a series of “inappropriate” Instagram photos, then you and _____ lead parallel lives.
Lady Gaga
Katy Perry
6. Counter-counter programming at its finest. During the halftime of the next Super Bowl, the Hallmark Channel will host the first ever _____ Bowl, while Animal Planet will hold its own ______ Bowl.
Bunny / Wolf
Kitten / Puppy
Ballet / Sportsman
Crooner / Rocker
7. Rumors began swirling this week about Tim Burton brushing the dust off one of his earlier films and prepping a sequel with the first film's original star. Which one?
Edward Scissorhands
Peewee's Big Adventure
By way of explanation.....
We aren't talking about the clearly Beetlejuice-channeling Robin Thicke performance at the VMAs, which wasn't funny just scary.
8. She's something of a TV actress. It came up this week that she's dating her show's director. Cool, right? Except....he's married to someone else. So is she. Who are we talking about here?
Kat Dennings
Katharine McPhee
Hayden Panettiere
Kaley Cuoco
9. And speaking of people hooking up...... Maksim Chmerkovskiy confirmed to just about anyone who would listen that he is indeed dating the comely Kate Upton. We're fairly sure you have heard of Kate, and you most likely know Maksim from his connection to this reality show:
American Idol
Top Chef
Big Brother
Dancing with the Stars
10. No this casting wasn't implanted in your mind by a bunch of dream invaders. This Inception actor has been cast in the title role of Elton John in the upcoming film Rocketman.

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