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How Well Do You Know: 8/23/13-8/29/13
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1. If you have logged onto the Interwebs this week at all, you know the two biggest pop culture stories. First, who is the new Batman for the Man of Steel sequel?
Matt Damon
Josh Brolin
Ben Affleck
Brad Pitt
2. But this won't be the first time that Affleck has gone the superhero-on-film route, as he has previously suited up on this lesser-known crimefighter:
The Punisher
Green Lantern and/or Arrow
3. Second, the MTV VMAs assaulted our eyeballs with a raunchy and utterly pathetic plea for attention/performance by Miley Cyrus and which other performer?
Robin Thicke
Adam Levine
Rick Astley
By way of explanation.....
4. In more VMA fallout, the creator of this fashion accessory, steeped in pop culture significance, is upset about the naughty, filthy things done to it during Miley's performance:

5. This instantly classic shot of the Will Smith family at the VMA was incorrectly tagged as their reaction to the Miley/Robin Thicke debacle.

In fact, this screen grab was actually taken during what performance?
Katy Perry
Lady Gaga
6. And you'd never ever believe it from all of the post-show kerfuffle in the press, but there were actually awards given out during the VMAs. No, it's true! Who took home the moonman for Video of the Year?
Taylor Swift
Demi Lovato
Justin Timberlake
7. If, this week, you shocked your fans by announcing your separation from your long-time showbiz husband...well, then, you have a surprising amount in common with:
Annette Bening
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Gwyneth Paltrow
Julie Chen
8. If you found yourself feeling extra festive on Thursday, it was most likely due to the 20th anniversary of this late-night TV personality on his current show:
By way of explanation.....
Since Letterman's show is now the same age as Miley Cyrus, SLW assumes that Late Night will embarrass itself completely at next year's VMAs.
9. Reality check: Casting, Part 1: Which of these will not step foot on the dance floor for the next incarnation of Dancing with the Stars, according to early reports?
One-time Jersey Shore resident Snooki
Saved by the Bell/Showgirls' Elizabeth Berkley
Scientology's public enemy number one Leah Remini
Glee's caustic coach Jane Lynch
10. Reality check: Casting, Part 2: While we don't know for sure which pro sports figure will be on DWTS (you know there will be one), The Amazing Race is happy to tout two former players from what team on its newly announced cast?
Houston Texans
New York Yankees
Los Angeles Kings
Denver Nuggets
11. This well known celeb - whose relationship with the paparazzi is.....let's call it "strained" - took things to the next level when he pinned a photographer to the hood of a car:
Mel Gibson
Alec Baldwin
Pierce Brosnan
Russell Crowe
12. And ending this week by considering People who (probably) Make Significantly More than You, we note that this famous person was the highest earning celebrity of the last twelve months:
Robert Downey, Jr.
Tyler Perry
James Patterson
By way of explanation.....
Madge brought in $125 million from June 2012-June 2013

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