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How Well Do You Know: 8/9/13-8/15/13
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1. She's drop-dead gorgeous and has a spiritual side as well: Which supermodel revealed this week that she has a tiny tattoo of a cross on the inside of her finger, so he can keep some religious inspiration close to her at all time?
Heidi Klum
Marisa Miller
Brooklyn Decker
Kate Upton
2. Dear hot mess ___________: Welcome to conservatorship!

Dear judge you granted the provision: 'sAbout damned time!
Megan Fox
Lindsay Lohan
Amanda Bynes
Rumer Willis
3. Parts of and behind the scene footage of a forty-year old Holocaust drama titled 'The Day the Clown Cried' surfaced on the Interwebs this week. Who is the star of this pinnacle of 'bad taste', who was so embarrassed of the film it was never released?
Jerry Lewis
Dean Martin
John Wayne
Jimmy Stewart
By way of explanation.....
4. If you and your wife Mellody welcomed a baby girl via surrogate this week....

well then, you have a surprising amount in common with this movie titan:
Peter Jackson
James Cameron
George Lucas
Steven Spielberg
5. And if you made international headlines this week when you were denied the purchase of a high-end handbag in a Swiss boutique, as the clerk deemed it too expensive for you.....

well then, you have a surprising amount in common with this ultra-famous female:
Angelina Jolie
Tyra Banks
6. Biting the exploding hand that feeds him. Which action star voiced his distaste for his cinematic bread and butter by saying:"Explosions are one of the most boring parts of my job. I know part of my audience enjoys the explosions, but to be honest, I'm a bit bored of it now."
The Rock
7. Which of these fellows with a recognizable shaved pate has throw his own interest in joining the DC movie-verse by stating:"Give me a call. I like Lex Luthor. I think he's misunderstood. He's a loveable, sweet man."
A- Bryan Cranston
B- Bruce Willis
C- Michael Chiklis
D- Dean Norris
8. The sad increasingly out of control life of actress Lisa Robin Kelly came to a tragic end this week when she died during a rehab stint. Kelly is best remembered from her role in this sitcom:
According to Jim
8 Simple Rules
Full House
That 70's Show
9. Also departing this week was Gia Allemand, a veteran of this reality show franchise, who shocked friends and fans by killing herself:
The Bachelor
Big Brother
Project Runway
10. Let's end on a lighter note. The Good Sport Award goes to Mark Wahlberg this week. The former rapper/current actor gamely took a photo with a fan even though the lady mistook him for which of his co-stars?
George Clooney
Leonardo diCaprio
Matt Damon
Christian Bale
By way of explanation.....

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