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How Well Do You Know: 6/21/13-6/27/13
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1. There was much, much to do this week over a bit of video footage from TMZ which showed a topless woman, who may or may not have been this well-endowed celebrity, on a horse:
Kate Upton
Katy Perry
Sofia Vergara
Heidi Klum
2. This star of a violent summer movie has taken the stance of not supporting said movie because of its violence but continues talking about it...which is essentially promoting the movie. Confused? So is _____ in his rationale, we think.
Kick Ass 2's Jim Carrey
The Wolverine's Hugh Jackman
R.I.P.D.'s Jeff Bridges
Red 2's John Malkovich
By way of explanation.....
Carrey's original tweet: “I did Kickass a month b4 Sandy Hook. and now in all good conscience I cannot support that level of violence.” To which, producer Marc Millar replied, "Ironically, Jim’s character in Kick-Ass 2 is a Born-Again Christian and the big deal we made of the fact that he refuses to fire a gun is something he told us attracted him to the role in the first place.”
This actress was apparently so focused on remembering her lines for her new TV series Mistresses that she forgot to button up her shirt for her Maxim magazine photoshoot:
Courteney Cox
Rhona Mitra
Sarah Shahi
Alyssa Milano
4. And now it's time for the LSW Tightrope Report. Daredevil Nik Wallenda thrilled possibly dozens of viewers as he successfully completed a stunt to cross:
Wall Street
The Grand Canyon
Niagra Falls
San Francisco Bay
5. TV superproducer Gary David Goldberg died this week. He was responsible for two long-running series starring which of these actors.

Hint, each of his shows finished with the highly memorable "Sit, Ubu, Sit! Good dog!"
Bill Cosby (The Cosby Show and Cosby)
Ted Danson (Cheers and Becker)
Michael J. Fox (Family Ties and Spin City)
John Larroquette (Night Court and The John Larroquette Show)
6. Summer box office is still in full swing with last weekend having three movies clear more than $40 million at the box office. But the movie about _______ was the big winner with $82 million.
7. RIP noted writer Richard Matheson, whose most well-known work was probably the novel which later became this Will Smith sci-fi movie:
I Am Legend
Independence Day
I, Robot
Which action star amazed and startled the populace when he released his 7-meal-a-day diet which includes approximate 30 pounds of protein each day:
Vin Diesel
Dwayne Johnson
Christian Bale
Chuck Norris
9. With 13.2 million viewers in its premiere, its likely that you or someone you love went "Under the Dome" on CBS this week. the author whose book the miniseries is based on.
James Patterson
Robert Ludlum
Ray Bradbury
Stephen King
10. She has technically been engaged since the end of 2009, but this actress celebrated the US Supreme Court's striking down of the Defense of Marriage Act to propose to her fiance (or something like that):
Tina Fey
Kristen Bell
Mila Kunis
Natalie Portman

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