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How Well Do You Know: 6/14/13-6/20/13
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1. ..And just like that, we were suddenly without the actor who created this iconic TV character:
Hawkeye Pierce
James T. Kirk
Frasier Crane
Tony Soprano
By way of explanation.....
Rest in Peace, James Gandolfini.
Important matters of state now face young Erin Brady, representative of this state, who has been crowned your new Miss USA:
3. We didn't know that _____ was even on Anger Management with Charlie Sheen but apparently that isn't the case anymore thanks to a feud between this actress and Mr. Estevez.
Ally Sheedy
Selma Blair
Jennifer Grey
Jamie Pressly
4. Social media one-upmanship makes us long for the relative sanity of the Cola Wars. This outlet, in response to upstart Vine, this photo-sharing tool announced a move to get into the video business:

5. Man of Steel, indeed. The latest Superman incarnation flew (sorry) into the theaters with authority. Which of these is true about the film's opening box office?
With 116.7 million, it had the best June opening weekend ever.
With 110.8 million, it had the second best June opening weekend behind Toy Story 3.
With a colossal 158 million, it became Warner Bros./DC's best comic book debut.
With 121.9 million, it beat Fast & Furious 6 for the second best debut of the summer.
6. The universe (or Earth and Krypton, at least) aligned this week with the premiere of the aforementioned blockbuster Man of Steel and the 30th anniversary of the debut for which Christopher Reeves Superman flick?

7. Just five years older than Superman III is this comic strip that evolved into a pop culture icon. Happy 35th Anniversary to ______!

8. Using similar Christ-parallels as his buddy Kanye's new album "Yeezus", Jay-Z announced his new album will be called “Magna Carta _____”.
Holy Grail
Son of HOVA
Holy Trinity
Saint Roca
9. "Can you tell me how to to get to 'Sesame Street'?" A new muppet named Alex apparently got directions and through him and his storyline, the show is trying to reach kids who have a/n ______ parent.
10. Speaking of Sesame Street, disgraced Elmo puppeteer/creator Kevin Clash actually had a decent week. Why?
At least two of his alleged victims have recanted.
He officially is starting his own puppeteering company/troupe called The Monster Clash.
He won 3 Daytime Emmys for work on the kids' show.
The documentary Being Elmo is recognized by AFI.
11. Last year, Oscar winner _____ "sacre bleu!" more than double the legal limit in France was charged with a DUI. This week, said chap was found guilty of the charge but will appeal it.
Jeff Bridges
Nicolas Cage
Sean Penn
Jean Dujardin
12. Congrats, Danielle Bradbery! You're the latest winner of The Voice. Before you fade back into obscurity, be sure to thank your coach _____ for getting you to victory.
13. This Food Network star's future on the air may have been curtailed a wee bit, after news about his/her history of racially derogatory language hit the net this week:
Bobby Flay
Giada De Laurentiis
Alton Brown
Paula Deen
And in closing, we're not sure what we ever did to deserve the unmitigated awfulness of this singer's "We Can't Stop" video....
Miley Cyrus
Carly Rae Jepsen
15. ...but whatever it was, it couldn't have been that bad, as this week we were also treated to this celeb tweeting a photo of herself relaxing by the pool:
Katy Perry
Charlize Theron
Stacy Keibler
Sofia Vergara

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