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How Well Do You Know: 5/31/13-6/6/13
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1. The world is about to get a whole lot prettier with the announcement that both Oscar winner _____ and buxom TV star ______ are pregnant.
Kate Winslet / Jennifer Love Hewitt
Halle Berry / Sofia Vergara
Jennifer Lawrence / Mariska Hargitay
Natalie Portman / Elizabeth Mitchell
2. PSA/Overshare moment of the Week: Michael Douglas stated in an interview that this regular activity is what caused his throat cancer, which gave us a peek into the personal life of Mr. Douglas.
marijuana use
sleeping in a tanning bed
performing oral sex on his female companion
snacking on dog biscuits (a la Martin Riggs in Lethal Weapon)
3. Shocking news that blind-sided SLW: This regular performer in Paul Thomas Anderson films just completed a 10-day stint in a detox center to overcome heroin use.
John C. Reilly
Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Julianne Moore
William H. Macy
By way of explanation.....
SLW sends our well-wishes to the Oscar winner.
4. Hey AI fans...yes, all 87 of you that are left! More judging departures occurred this week. Who remains as of this week?
Keith Urban
None of them. They are all gone.
By way of explanation.....
PLUS...both producers Nigel Lithgoe and Ken Warwick are also gone from the flailing singing competition.
5. RIP Jean Stapleton, who left an indelible mark on TV history with her portrayal of Edith Bunker on this classic sitcom:

6. This lady had a rather eventful week. Not only did topless female protesters swarm the finale of the reality show she hosts, but she also started her judging gig on America's Got Talent:
Julie Chen
Heidi Klum
Cat Deeley
Tyra Banks
7. As the summer TV season cranks up, TNT cable network cranks up its reality competition series The Hero, which is hosted by this movie toughguy:
Chuck Norris
Dwayne Johnson
Vin Diesel
Jason Statham
8. The smarties over at the Writers Guild put their noodles together, and after much cogitating decided that each of the following are among the 10 best written TV shows ever. Which is at the top of the list?

9. Planning a trip to Universal Studios this year? Well then, then you can now shop and dine in iconic places from this animated series and pop culture staple:
The Simpsons
The Flintstones
Family Guy
King of the Hill
10. Yeehaw!!! The CMT awards were handed out this week and ____ won the coveted (?) Video of the Year award for, we assume, a whole lot of pickin' and grinnin'.
Taylor Swift
Florida Georgia Line
Jason Aldean
Carrie Underwood

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