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How Well Do You Know: 5/17/13-5/23/13
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1. It's our Billboard Music Awards recap, everyone! This artist was booed during his/her acceptance speech of the Milestone Award during the evening's proceedings:
Katy Perry
Taylor Swift
Justin Bieber
Kanye West
2. One of the same four people mentioned in the previous question had a much better night, hauling home eight - count 'em, eight - trophies:
Katy Perry
Taylor Swift
Justin Bieber
Kanye West
3. Justin Bieber, who was the answer to the first question but not the second, was scolded by a rock star vet, after the Biebs showed up 40 minutes late for a concert: "Do it once, you can be forgiven Do it enough times and shame on you. They won’t be back. Then it just becomes a cliché. It’s really not cool: you’re an a–hole. Go to f–in’ work!" Who took young Justin to the woodshed?
John Mellencamp
Bruce Springsteen
Jon Bon Jovi
Eric Clapton
4. Heading to the Big Recording Studio in the Sky is Ray Manzarek. Dead this week at age 74, Manzarek was an integral part of this classic rock band:

5. Staying on music for juuuuust a little bit longer, hey, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony aired on HBO. Consult your favorite timepiece and you'll know that this hip-hop act was inducted into the Hall:
Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five
Public Enemy
The Sugarland Gang
6. Happy 8th birthday this week to this social media giant:

7. To the interest of possibly dozens of people, this on again/off again couple have reportedly gone Splitsville again:
Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson
Megan Fox & Brian Austin Green
Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth
Kris & Bruce Jenner
8. Say hey to your new Dancing with the Stars champion, who is otherwise best known as:
An NFL player
An American Idol alum
A Disney Channel star
An Olympic gymnast
9. Of the four lovely Latin ladies below, which was the one that graduated this week with a Master's degree in Chicano studies? (Hint: it is the only woman listed who is of Mexican descent)
Eva Longoria
Sofia Vergara
Jennifer Lopez
10. And finally, we close out a painfully slow pop culture news week with.....math! In theaters as of this weekend are the latest installments of the Fast and Furious, Hangover and Iron Man franchises. Add up the total number of films in all of those movie series, and you get this number:
By way of explanation.....
3 (Iron Man) + 3 (Hangover) + 6 (Fast and Furious) = 12 (aren't you glad we didn't include Star Trek in this?)

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