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How Well Do You Know: Rambo Movies
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1. What is Rambo’s first and middle name?
James, Francis
William, John
John, Joseph
None of the above
2. Who wrote the book and what is the name of the book that the Rambo movies were based?
Dale Morse / Silent Killer
David Morrell / First Blood
Ken-Yon Rambo / Jungle Killer
Michael Jameson / Force of Freedom
3. Sylvester Stallone wrote the screenplay for Rambo: First Blood Part II with the help of this famous film director:
Tony Scott
John Woo
James Cameron
Ron Howard
4. Who directed Rambo: First Blood II?
David Morell
James Cameron
George Cosmatos
Sylvester Stallone
5. First Blood takes place in what state or country?
Vancouver, Canada
Oregon, USA
Michigan, USA
Washington, USA
6. Finish the line from First Blood: “in town you’re the___. Out here, it’s __. Let it go…let it go or I’ll give you a___ ___ ____ _______!”
man / animals / punch in the throat.
Sheriff / different / $200 to let me go.
law / me / war you won’t believe.
boss / god / knife that you can really count on.
7. Who directed Rambo III?
Sylvester Stallone
Peter MacDonald
Spiros Focas
Andrew Vajna
8. Deputy Sheriff Teasel died when he…
was crushed by a tree
was shot in the head by Rambo
fell out of a helicopter
was hanged for treason
9. What does John consider to be his good luck charm?
a necklace
Col. Trautman
his M-60
a knife
10. Murdock claims that he was with the 2nd battalion; 3rd Marines at Kon Tum in 1966. What troubles John about this claim and what does he say to Col. Trautman?
“Wow, those guys were real bad-asses! / “Col Trautman, you know what happened at Kon Tum in ’66!”
The 2nd Battalion was not in Kon Tum / “You’re the only one I trust”
There was no such unit within the assigned to the 3rd Marines / “Col…watch out for this guy!”
"It was the 3rd Battalion; 2nd marines that were in Kon Tum in ’66 / “ Col, I think Murdock is Dyslexic, sir.”
11. When was John Rambo Born?
July 4, 1949
May 21st, 1952
July 6th, 1947
August, 6th, 1948
12. While in the Green Berets, John’s specialization included all but…
bomb disposal training
Medical training
Language Training
Light weapons Training
13. Lt Col. Podovsky is trying to extract information from Rambo. He resorts to using what kind of torture?
submerging him in animal waist up to his neck
water boarding
Inserting bamboo shards beneath his finger nails
14. Rambo and Col Trautman are standing alone while facing the enemy army. Col. Trautman asks, “What do we do?”
How does Rambo reply?
“We duck!”
“We put our heads between our legs and kiss our asses goodbye!”
Well, surrounding them is out of the question…Cololnel, we Kill as many of them as we can!”
15. Co Bao wonders why John is in Vietnam. She thinks it’s because he likes to fight. He explains that it’s because he’s…
loyal to the POW’s that America left behind
the only one trained to complete the mission
in debt to Col Trautman for saving his life
16. The command post has a call name for radio transmissions. What is it?
Wolf Den
Raven’s nest
17. At the beginning of the mission to photograph POW’s in Post war Vietnam, Murdock reads the file on Rambo. How many confirmed kills did Rambo have in Vietnam?
over 100
18. What is the first line of the movie Rambo: First Blood Part II and who says it?
“Hello Col. How’ve you been?” / Rambo
“Let’s keep those hammers workin!” / Prison Guard
“Rambo…you got a visitor!” / Prison Guard
“I’m Col. Trautman. I’m here to get my boy out!” / Col. Trautman
19. Hamid sees something curious in the supplies that Rambo has requested and asks, “What’s that?” Rambo replies, “It’s Blue light.” Confused, Hamid asks, “What does it do?”
What does Rambo tell him?
It’s for seeing at night
It’s a beacon to distract the enemy
It is a visual homing device
20. What is the name of the Afghan game that Rambo is taught by Mousa and then plays?
Sheep Hockey

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