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How Well Do You Know: Smokey and the Bandit
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1. Who is the first to appear in the movie?
Sheriff Justice
Bo Danville
Cletus Snow
The organizer of the truck races
2. Once the job is done, what does Bo want to do with the money?
Buy a restaurant in Georgia
put it towards mounting medical bills for his mother
buy a new truck
Get season tickets to the Dolphins
3. Finish the line:

“Daddy, daddy, my_____flew off!”
"Good, I hope your_______ was in it!”
shirt / badge
hat / head
boot / wallet
sign / phone number
4. Bandit gives Carrie a nickname. What is it?
Fat calves
5. Buford T. Justice is a lawman out of which state?
None of the above
6. Smokey and the Bandit was director Hal Needham’s first movie. Before directing, Hal was:
a truck driver
a country singer
a policeman
a stuntman
7. The Bandit will only take his hat off for one reason and one reason only. What’s the reason?
to comb his hair
to go to bed
to fool around with hot babes
to eat in a fancy restaurant
8. Cletus gets in a fight with some bikers at a “choke and puke.” What started the fight?
Cletus makes fun of the bikers and their bikes.
One of the bikers claims that Fred bit him.
Fred accidentally knocks some beer over.
The cook uses too much grease on the French fries.
9. Buford claims that there is no way that Junior could come from his loins - so what’s the first thing Buford claims he’ll do when he gets home?
Punch Junior’s momma right in the mouth
Put juniors picture on a milk carton for missing persons
have a paternity test taken
kick the mailman right in the ass!
10. The trailer of Cletus’ truck is painted with a scene. It is:
horses running wild
a stagecoach & team
a Coors beer logo
a nude picture of Dolly Parton with a cowboy hat on.
11. Who makes the challenge with the Bandit?
Big Titus Collette
Little Jimmy Dickins
Big Enos Burdette
Little and Big Enos Turrett
12. What’s the Snowman’s wife’s name?
13. How much money will the Bandit and Cletus get from the job?
14. What kind of Dog is Fred?
Jack Russell terrier
Blue tick hound
Basset hound
15. Complete the line

“I’ll have a_______________ and a ___________ and make it fast, I’m in a god damned hurry!”
Rueben sandwich / Iced tea
Cheeseburger / Cola
Diablo sandwich / Dr. Pepper
Ham and Cheese / 7-Up
16. Director Hal Needham and Burt Reynolds worked on another movie together as director and actor. What was the name of it?
Sharkey’s Machine
17. Burt Reynolds and Sally Field, appeared with one another in a few movies. Which was not one of them?
The End
None of the above
18. Who wrote the music for Smokey and the Bandit?
Mel Tillis
Mickey Gilly
Jerry Reed
Burt Reynolds
19. Fill in the blank: _________ ________ was originally cast to play the Bandit!
Clint Eastwood
Jeff Bridges
Jerry Reed
Steve McQueen
20. How many hours do the Bandit and Cletus have to get from Georgia to Texas and back with the shipment of beer?
21. Mike Henry plays the part of Junior. What other movie did he appear in with Burt Reynolds?
The Longest Yard
The Best Little Whore house in Texas
The End
22. Another actor in the movie has the last name of Reynolds. Which character did he play?
Sugar Bear (Bill Reynolds)
Patrolman (Pat Reynolds)
Branford (George Reynolds)
Little Beaver (Nate Reynolds)
23. Smokey and the Bandit was the 2nd highest grossing movie for what year? And what was the highest grossing movie in that same year?
1978 / Superman
1976 / The outlaw Josie Wales
1975 / Jaws
1977 / Star Wars
24. Jackie Gleason modeled his character, Buford T. Justice after whom?
a Texas State trooper who pulled him over on his way to the casting call
Burt Reynolds Father, who was a Chief of Police
A football coach from the University of South Carolina
A Peanut Farmer in Georgia who was a friend of his father’s
25. Which actor was originally considered to play Sheriff Buford T. Justice?
Richard Boone
Dom Delouise
Don Rickles
Buddy Hackett

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