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How Well Do You Know: 3/22/13-3/28/13
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1. As college basketball's March Madness consumes the attention of many Americans, a late-night host seeks to cash in, running an ad campaign for "_________ State"
2. This C level celebrity and soon-to-be new dad may or may not have been the kids' choice to host the Kids Choice Awards over the weekend, but he did anyway (spoiler alert: slime was involved):
Josh Duhamel
Freddie Prinze, Jr.
Jonah Hill
Justin Long
3. We've mentioned previously that Colombian dynamo Shakira takes over Christina Aguilera's seat on the new season of The Voice which started this week. But can you name the male singer that is filling in for Cee Lo this season?
Robin Thicke
Michael Buble
Bruno Mars
4. We learned this week that this big-time movie star turned down the role of Django in Tarantino's film because..."Django wasn’t the lead, so it was like, I need to be the lead. The other character was the lead!...I was like, ‘No, Quentin, please, I need to kill the bad guy!’"So which guy's ego kept him from starring the Oscar nominated film?
Denzel Washington
Will Smith
Terrence Howard
Don Cheadle
By way of explanation.....
Incidentally, Django Unchained earned only $18 million less than Smith's Men in Black III, but the sequel's budget was more than double Django's $100 million budget.
Behold, one of the odder pop-culture things you'll be unable to unsee - this female celebrity's "twerking" video, dancing around in a unicorn onesie:
Taylor Swift
Jennifer Lawrence
Kate Upton
Miley Cyrus
6. Death came to the reality show, as a participant on a French version of this program died after suffering a heart attack during competition:

7. Not exactly the conversation that Disney wants from one of its Oz the Great and Powerful stars but ______ admitted to Howard Stern that he/she made a sex tape at the age of 19 with their then-significant other.
Michelle Williams
Zach Braff
James Franco
Mila Kunis
8. Just another week in the life of the increasingly bizarre. A few days after she tweeted she wanted singer Drake to "murder" her....ladyparts, this nutjob walked around Times Square with a shirt completely over her head:
Britney Spears
Anne Hathaway
Amanda Bynes
Kaley Cuoco
9. You and/or your gamer friends worked themselves into a frenzy this week with the release of "Infinite", the latest installment in this video game franchise:
Sim City
Call of Duty
10. SLW wonders if the Psychic Friends Network gave _____ a heads up that she would be filing for bankruptcy this week in New Jersey.
Dionne Warwick
Shirley MacLaine
Jenna Elfman
Kirstie Alley
11. To the surprise of possibly dozens, this actress announced this week that she will not, after all, seek the Senate seat from the great state of Kentucky:
Halle Berry
Zooey Deschanel
Ashley Judd
Glenn Close
12. About to multiply like rabbits, this cable network is about to spin off two entirely new networks, with the new channels to add "X" and "M" to the original's name:

13. NBC doesn't want you to believe the rumors that this TV personality is on tap to replace Matt Lauer on the Today show. (Alas, SLW does believe said rumors.)
Anderson Cooper
Jeff Probst
Stone Phillips
Jay Leno

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