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How Well Do You Know: 3/15/13-3/21/13
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1. A long-anticipated (if only by those eagerly waiting to mock it) reality show hitting the air this weeks features low-grade celebrities engaging in which perilous pursuit?
Race car driving
Wrestling alligators
Juggling chainsaws
2. What's it with rappers this week? One was hospitalized after suffering seizures; another collapsed onstage during a performance. Which of the following correctly identifies the hip-hoppers in question?
Nelly & Eminem
Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg
Lil Wayne & Tone Loc
Jay Z & Frank Ocean
3. In more heartwarming music news, this female musician called on her maternal instincts when she stopped her show to comfort a crying child in the audience, giving the girl a froggy toy and a Rice Krispie treat:
4. Late Night TV News, Part I: Spring Breakers star Selena Gomez appeared on this show and didn't shy away from remarking about how she made her famous ex Justin Bieber cry:

5. Late Night TV News, Part II: Meanwhile, this talk show host is breaking character to help his sister Elizabeth as she runs for Congress in South Carolina:
Jon Stewart
Stephen Colbert
Carson Daly
Craig Ferguson
6. Great news, ladies! Ryan Seacrest is back on the market! The host of American Idol and about 88 other media pursuits has split with his girlfriend. Now, remind us of who he was seeing.....
Julianne Hough
Charlize Theron
Anne Hathaway
Amy Adams
7. Also heading to Downtown Splitsville are Vanessa Marcil and Carmine Giovinazzo. Quick, um.....identify the series that Vanessa Marcil once starred in:

By way of explanation.....
Just because she is hot and could be the cover person.
8. "Who here actually thinks I would do 50 Shades of Grey as a movie? Like really. For real. In real life. Good." This young star rather emphatically put down rumors that she will star in the screen adaptation of the salacious hit book:
Jennifer Lawrence
Abigail Breslin
Emma Stone
Emma Watson
9. "How could I turn down that video! I'll check my schedule ;)"

A California teen scored a Twitter response from this Very Famous and Beautiful woman when he asked her to his prom through YouTube:
Katy Perry
Kate Upton
Jennifer Aniston
Sofia Vergara
10. A series on The Bible, airing on this cable outlet, has caused a bit of news in its casting in the role of Satan an actor who bears a resemblance to a certain current US President:

11. Here comes the bouncing ball of justice! So please step up and accept your 90 days in locked rehab and two years of probation, Mr. or Ms.:
Charlie Sheen
Andy Dick
Amanda Bynes
Lindsay Lohan
12. We started the quiz with reality TV news, we're ending it with reality TV news. Which summer series staple does not appear on its network's schedule?
America's Got Talent on NBC
Bachelor Pad on ABC
Big Brother on CBS
Trick question...all of the above are coming to a TV near you this summer.

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