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How Well Do You Know: 2/1/13-2/7/13
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1. Lots of news from Toyland this week. This classic board game made a change to its lineup of classic game pieces, which caused an uproar among possible dozens of people:

2. The board game, of course, was Monopoly. Oops, spoiler. Anyway, many people groused as the new piece announced would be in the form of a:
Film reel
3. And death came to the toymaker, as André Cassagnes, the inventor of this childhood favorite, passed away:

4. This is a screengrab from the suitably understated "music video" that serves as a promo for the upcoming new season of which cable hit?
Army Wives
The Client List
The Real Housewives of New Jersey
The Walking Dead
5. Which CBS show had the choice spot following the Super Bowl, only to have the 33-minute blackout delay give it a decent (but not stellar by Super Bowl standards) 20.8 million viewers?
Person of Interest
The Big Bang Theory
The Following (get it?)
6. If you were a big-time event blockbuster movie that ponied up the $3.8 million for a Super Bowl ad, please step forward. Not so fast, ________!
World War Z
Iron Man 3
Fast & Furious 6
Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
By way of explanation.....
Speaking of Super Bowl ads, if you haven't already, check out a special HWDYK dedicated to the commercials.
7. Speaking of Super Bowl commercials, model Nina Agdal is about to hit the Big Big Time. The rumored Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover model was featured in a spot:

...from this company, known for their sexy ads:
Carl's Jr.
8. This week came the debut and rapid consumption of House of Cards, a dramatic series from this entertainment name, better know for distributing video rather than producing it:

9. A celebrity's name has been unofficially attached to a Hawaiian bill that protects "celebrities from paparazzi, giving them power to sue over unwanted beach photos and other snapshots on the islands." If passed, photogs may be legally bound to adhere to the "__________ Act."
Justin Bieber
Lindsay Lohan
Steven Tyler
Justin Timberlake
10. TV pilots are being ordered left and right with many familiar faces/concepts. Which of these actual actors, who are in a new pilot, will be assuming the title role of a wheelchair bound detective in a rebooted (Raymond Burr-originated) Ironside?
Robin Williams
Blair Underwood
John Leguizamo
Jessica Simpson (THIS we would tune in for.)
These handprints weren't left in the cement outside TLC Chinese Theater by some punk kid, but rather by this punk Oscar winner:
Robert DeNiro
Daniel Day Lewis
Russell Crowe
Adrien Brody
12. If you've ever wondered about the lives of Star Wars characters before the Skywalker family entered the picture, wonder no more.

Which of these characters is at the top of the rumor mill wish list to get his own standalone film?

By way of explanation.....
SLW also pours one out for movie makeup legend Stuart Freeborn, who is responsible for designing the look of everyone's favorite diminutive Jedi, Master Yoda. He died this week at age 98.

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