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How Well Do You Know: 1/11/13-1/17/13
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1. Earlier reports had us believe that Beyonce, who you very well may have heard, was going to perform at the upcoming Super Bowl. That was clarified this week when we learned that:
She will be performing with husband Jay-Z
She will be performing with a reunited Destiny's Child
She will be performing with hologram-Whitney Houston
She will not be performing at all
2. The Golden Globes came and went, and you're still completely foggy on who the Hollywood Foreign Press is. Never mind that now. The night's big movie winner was this title, which unexpectedly won Best Picture and Best Director:
Silver Linings Playbook
Les Miserables
3. Another of the Globes' highlights (?) was a weeeeird and rambling speech by this woman who accepted some kind of honorary award or other:
Meryl Streep
Sally Field
Glenn Close
Jodie Foster
4. This woman, who always walks a daring fashion line, got more than she bargained for when she busted open the seat of her latex pants during a concert this week:
Lady Gaga
Miley Cyrus
Jennifer Lopez
5. Behold the face of true beauty:

Miss America Mallory Hagan, reacts with surprise at winning the pageant, and/or shocked disappointment if you can't name the state she is from:
New York
6. If you were looking forward to enjoying Twitter-licious musings from this actress, you're out of luck. Who closed her account after a week, stating "Facebook is as much as I can handle"?
Jennifer Lawrence
Taylor Swift
Tyra Banks
Megan Fox

Say goodbye to Conrad Bain, dead this week at 89. Bain became a TV favorite as he played the father on this sitcom:
Silver Spoons
Diff'rent Strokes
Family Ties
8. Congratulations, Avenger. You are gonna a new daddy this year. Which of these fellows are these good tidings directed at?
By way of explanation.....
The super-private Jeremy Renner is expecting the baby with an ex-girlfriend.
9. The world of legendary syndicated columnists got a little thinner this week, as we said goodbye to:
Pauline "Dear Abby" Phillips
Dave Barry
Ann Landers
Garrison Keillor
10. When former sports hero/current sports villain Lance Armstrong chose to come clean about his performance enhancing drug use, he appeared on this person's talk show for the mea culpa:
Dr. Phil
Dr. Oz
11. For the fifth time, this Hollywood studio has been named to Fortune magazine's 100 best places to work. Congratulations, _______, and are you hiring?

By way of explanation.....
Dreamworks Animation boasts a stellar 97 percent employee retention rate.
12. One of the women mentioned earlier in the quiz is the subject of a spread and an article at Esquire. In the piece, she talks about speaking in tongues. Okaayyyyy......
Megan Fox
Lady Gaga
Jodie Foster

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