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How Well Do You Know: 12/14/12-12/20/12
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1. This social media operation got everyone Pissed.The.Hell.Off when it proposed a major revision to its terms of service this week:

And here's Donald Trump making the newly crowned Miss Universe, who hails from this country, really uncomfortable:
3. Congratulations to the original American Idol. This past weekend, Kelly Clarkson announced that she....
is engaged.
is replacing Britney Spears on The X-Factor.
is now a cast member on Reba McEntire's Malibu Country.
plans to focus solely on her first musical love - Ska/Polka fusion
4. This perpetually half-naked actor and his wife Jenna announced this week that they are expecting their first baby.
Hugh Jackman
Matt Bomer
Channing Tatum
Dwayne Johnson
5. It's curtains for this show, which aired its final episode after running for six seasons:
Gossip Girl
6. It's been a big few weeks for popes. Recently, Benedict XVI began using Twitter, and this week Cassadee Pope won this competition:
The Voice
Top Chef
Survivor: Philippines
7. Snaps to this famous Olympian who had a good part of his hair lopped off as part of the Locks of Love program this week:
Michael Phelps
Shaun White
Ryan Lochte
Usain Bolt
8. Following the Sandy Hook tragedy, this singer's single "Die Young" has basically been erased from radio airplay as of this week:
Katy Perry
Carly Rae Jepsen
Kid Rock
9. The late night talk show rumor mill kicked into high gear this week with news that Jay Leno might leave The Tonight Show soon (yeah, right) and that this other latenighter would be in line to take his place?
Jimmy Fallon
David Letterman
Stephen Colbert
Carson Daly
10. This long-time national news figure made the news him/herself after being busted for DUI:
Barbara Walters
Sam Donaldson
Ted Koppel
Dan Rather

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