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How Well Do You Know: 11/23/12-11/29/12
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Regarding the Jessica Simpson question. The "Cinderella" tale from the POV of stepsisters actuall sounds like a good idea.
M1KEL0VESMOVIES 11/30/12 2:27 pm


1. The New Ideas in Career Management Award of the week goes to one of the stars of this popular sitcom called his show "filth" and pleaded with the audience to stop watching:
The Office
Two and a Half Men
The Big Bang Theory
Don't Trust the B in Apt. 23
By way of explanation.....
Within days, Angus T. Jones had backtracked on his statements, presumably upon realizing that he makes more than $300,000 an episode, which is filthy rich.
2. SLW pours one out for Larry Hagman. In addition to Dallas, the man behind J.R. Ewing starred in this other notable TV series:
I Dream of Jeannie
Wonder Woman
Green Acres
3. Harsh words, hurt feelings and kung-fu fighting were involved when this woman's current and ex-boyfriends brawled viciously during the Thanksgiving holiday:
Sandra Bullock
Blake Lively
Scarlett Johansson
Halle Berry
4. David Rainey, whom may or may not remember as arch-villain Puck from this reality TV show, began his prison term for stalking a woman this week:
Big Brother
The Real World
Top Chef
5. This celeb, whose complete lack of gentlemanly manners should bar him from communicating in any form, has deleted his Twitter account after an ongoing spar with a comedian:
Charlie Sheen
Chris Brown
Andy Dick
John Mayer
6. Welcome back to the judicial system, ______, you fabulous celebrity trainwreck. What brings you to us? Oh, you were arrested and charged with assault for punching a woman in the face. Sweet nostalgia!
Lindsay Lohan
Amanda Bynes
Charlie Sheen
Brandy Glanville
7. When she wasn't getting busy getting arrested this week, (spoiler) Lindsay Lohan was appearing on TV as this famous actress:
Elizabeth Taylor
Marilyn Monroe
Audrey Hepburn
Julia Roberts
8. To the delight of possibly dozens, E! network began airing Love You, Mean It, a comedy talk show featuring this woman, who's already a prime time sitcom star:
Whitney Cummings
Amy Poehler
Jenna Fischer
Kat Dennings
9. Reminiscing time. This very big-name director admitted that in the 1970s he asked to direct a Bond film but was denied by the producers. He has done alright for himself anyway; so who is he?
George Lucas
Steven Spielberg
Ron Howard
Richard Donner
10. The Today Show's Al Roker went and lost his voice. Fortunately, this Hollywood starlet was on hand to save the day, as she stepped in and delivered the meteorology:
Jessica Biel
Scarlett Johansson
Dakota Fanning
Ashley Greene
11. Dancing with the Stars: All Stars is over and the champion of the ballroom from the "best of the best" is _______.
the Olympian
the soap opera actress
the former Bachelor contestant
the singer
By way of explanation.....
Melissa Rycroft beat out Shawn Johnson and Kelly Monaco in the season finale.
12. Big Time Movie Casting News: With Bryan Singer back in the director's chair, which two actors from the original X-Men movies are officially be reprising their roles in the sequel X-Men: Days of Future Past?
Patrick Stewart & Halle Berry
Hugh Jackman & Tyler Mane
Patrick Stewart & Ian McKellan
Ian McKellan & Rebecca Romijn
13. While no confirmation yet from her people, a certain rumor has been flaring up pretty hot about Jessica Simpson. What is it?
She is already pregnant again after only giving birth 7 months ago.
Her and baby daddy Eric Johnson have split and Jessica surrendered custody of their daughter.
She confronted her dad about his alleged homosexuality, which resulted in her assaulting his "golf buddy."
That she and sister Ashlee will star in a retelling of Cinderella from the point of view of the stepsisters (which they will play).
By way of explanation.....
That last option is Copyright: This is So Last Week 2012.
14. In what is the first of many possible accolades, Entertainment Weekly has crowned _____ its Entertainer of the Year.
Daniel Day-Lewis
Ben Affleck
Jon Stewart
Channing Tatum
15. A somewhat twisted romance fell by the wayside this week, as the daughter of this celeb, and her *adopted brother*, ended their affaire d'amour:
Courtney Love
Kathy Griffin
Bobby Brown
R. Kelly

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