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How Well Do You Know: 11/2/12-11/8/12
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Last question - change "her" name? I clicked the right answer, then re-read the question, and realized it couldn't be a guy ... right? Jermaine's a man, man.
theBigE 11/10/12 9:07 am


1. Rihanna, Justin Bieber and Bruno Mars were on hand to lend some musical accompaniment to this skin-tastic event:
Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
Miss Universe Pageant
Miss America Pageant
A special "Emperor's New Clothes" edition of Project Runway
2. Speaking of (spoiler alert!) Victoria's Secret, supermodel Erin Heatherton is looking for someone to console her, as she has split from this super-famous man whom she had been dating:
Ryan Gosling
George Clooney
Tom Arnold
Leonardo DiCaprio
3. How about some footnotes from last week's huge Disney-Lucasfilm merger? Soon after acquiring the Star Wars universe, the Mouse House said they're also looking to add this toy manufacturing empire:

4. Lucas himself looks to make approximately $4 billion, just under the annual SLW operating budget, from the deal. George states that he is planning to do this with the majority of the proceeds:
Buy a chain of private islands
Fund political action committees
Give it to charity
Blow it all in Vegas
5. As the New York/New Jersey area continues to struggle with post-Superstorm Sandy fallout, this NYC comedian stepped in front of the cameras to host Saturday Night Live
Jimmy Fallon
Louis C.K.
Lisa Lampanelli
Jerry Seinfeld
6. Ooopsie. This musical act had to pull its video for Looking Hot from the air, after vociferous complains from offended Native Americans:
No Doubt
Green Day
7. Enthusiasts around the world delighted in the release of Halo this week. So, what the heck is Halo, anyway?
It's the next book by the author of Fifty Shades of Grey
It's Taylor Swift's new album
It's a video game
It's a much anticipated alcoholic beverage
8. From the Oh, Good Grief file, we read that some distant relation of filmdom's Warner Brothers wants to make a sequel this cinematic milestone:

9. Seattle is the setting for this reality show franchise's new edition that started during the week:

10. Relax, everyone. This member of a rather crazy family has petitioned to be granted a slight change to his/her last name, for....whatever the hell reason:
Dina Lohan, who wants to be Dina Lowan
Ashlee Simpson, who wants to be Ashlee Simpsun
Khloe Kardashian, who wants to be Kholoe Kardatian
Jermaine Jackson, who wants to be Jermaine Jacksun

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