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How Well Do You Know: The Avengers (Hard Version)
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1. Which character is the first shown in their entirety on camera?
Agent Coulson
Nick Fury
By way of explanation.....
Loki's hands are shown grasping that creepy staff but Coulson is the first one whose face is displayed.
2. What is the name of that alien race poised to invade Earth?
By way of explanation.....
There are a *lot* of aliens in the Marvel universe.
3. During Loki's escape, Hawkeye shoots two people, wounding one. Who are they?
Agent Coulson and Maria Hill, Coulson being wounded
Agent Coulson and Maria Hill, Hill being wounded
Maria Hill and Nick Fury, Hill being wounded
Maria Hill and Nick Fury, Fury being wounded
By way of explanation.....
Fury is such a tough guy that he pulls the bullet out of his vest as he attempts to warn Hill of the danger.
4. Which item of her clothing has been removed from Black Widow during her interrogation by the general and his henchmen?
By way of explanation.....
Don't make it dirty, people.
5. Joss Whedon's interpretation of The Hulk is sublime as is Mark Ruffalo's performance. How does Bruce Banner exemplify his bitterness when he says, "Well, I don't every time get what I want."
He caresses a beastly scar on his hand.
He holds a can of Jolly Green Giant canned vegetables.
He rocks an empty baby carriage.
He shows footage of The Hulk destroying New York City.
By way of explanation.....
This question may seem like nitpicking but when you watch the movie again, I believe it will add depth to your viewing experience if you had not already noticed. Banner's internal torment is total.
6. There is always a shadowy group of decision makers, isn't there? In The Avengers, one of them states that the solution to the Loki problem is...
Apex Predator
Phase 2
Plan B
By way of explanation.....
Later in the movie, Phase 2 is implemented. And Nick Fury doesn't like it one bit.
7. Where is Iron Man when we first see him?
At Pepper Potts' Place (wink, wink, nudge nudge)
Outer Space
Stark Tower
By way of explanation.....
Yes, Iron Man starts the movie underwater then winds up traveling to another galaxy. Eat your heart out, James Cameron!
8. How much of the credit does Tony Stark feel Pepper Potts deserves?
"All credit goes to the person whose name is on the building."
By way of explanation.....
"I was having 12% of a moment"
9. Agent Coulson (Phil?) is dating a...
bass player from Toledo
cellist from Portland
drummer from Dallas
tuba player from Tuskegee
By way of explanation.....
Way to go, Phil! As long as you don't die during the movie, the world is your oyster!
10. The Tesseract shows Dr. Erik Selvig truth. What does it show Hawkeye?
Black Widow's location
The Helicarrier's location
His next target
Where the world's finest bow is
11. Who is the first Avenger to battle Loki in the streets of Stuttgart, Germany?
Black Widow
Captain America
Iron Man
By way of explanation.....
Captain America whips out the shield before Black Widow unleashes some artillery fire from above.
12. Which member of The Avengers confesses to a suicide attempt?
Black Widow
Bruce Banner
Tony Stark
By way of explanation.....
"I put a bullet in my mouth. The other guy spit it out."
13. Two members of The Avengers play for the other team during the Helicarrier battle. Who are they?
Black Widow and Hawkeye
Black Widow and The Hulk
Bruce Banner and The Hulk
Hawkeye and The Hulk
By way of explanation.....
The genius of the script is that the easiest way to show why Hawkeye belongs is to have him attack the other guys and win.
14. Who gets to use the giant mystery weapon of doom against Loki?
Agent Coulson
Black Widow
Maria Hill
By way of explanation.....
"So, that's what it does."
15. Which Avenger desperately needs some pants after the Helicarrier battle?
Black Widow
Bruce Banner
Iron Man
By way of explanation.....
Don't we all wish the answer were Black Widow. Or Iron Man. Or Thor. This is a good looking group of superheroes.
16. There is a "suit up" scene in The Avengers where everyone's costume is highlighted. Which member of The Avengers gets new threads?
Black Widow
Captain America
Iron Man
By way of explanation.....
Captain America really needs it but Iron Man is the one with a shiny new supersuit.
17. Instead of appealing to Loki's humanity, Iron Man chooses to...
bitchslap him
negotiate with him
overwhelm him
threaten him
18. Who does Loki stab on Stark Tower?
Dr. Erik Selvig
The Hulk
Iron Man
By way of explanation.....
He somehow betrays Thor like 42 times in this movie. Stop being so gullible, Thor!
19. What do Black Widow and Hawkeye "remember very differently".
20. Who eventually persuades the police to follow his suggestions regarding citizen protection?
Captain America
The Hulk
21. Which Avenger hitchhikes on an alien vessel?
Black Widow
Captain America
Iron Man
By way of explanation.....
Well, Thor and Iron Man can fly so it wouldn't be them. Captain America gives Black Widow a boost.
22. Which Avenger does The Hulk punch during the Manhattan rumble?
Captain America
Iron Man
By way of explanation.....
This is a phenomenal callback to the Helicarrier fight.
23. Which hero saves the innocent people trapped in the bank?
Captain America
Maria Hill
Nick Fury
24. Which hero knocks Loki out of the sky and back into Stark Tower?
The Hulk
Iron Man
By way of explanation.....
This is a great Spy vs. Spy moment. Hawkeye shoots the arrow. Loki catches the arrow. The arrow explodes.
25. What is Loki's final request?
Banishment to Asgard
Black Widow's phone number
The drink that Tony Stark offered him prior to the battle.
He asks that Black Widow return his staff.
By way of explanation.....
Option 2 works better if you have a working familiarity with the movie Sneakers. On a different note, Black Widow is holding his staff in this shot.

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