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How Well Do You Know: 10/1/12-10/7/12
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1. The coach of this NFL team will be sidelined for the rest of the year as he fights acute promyelocytic leukemia:
2. The highest ranked matchup in college football was a meeting of the teams ranked #5 and #6, both from this conference:
Big 10
Big 12
3. A total of nine ranked teams lost during a tumultuous weekend, including the three teams with these rankings:
#2, #3, #4
#6, #7, #8
#8, #9,#10
#3, #4, #5
4. We won't have Bobby Valentine to kick around any more, but he left us with one last bit of hilarity, as he was injured doing this in Central Park shortly before being fired:
Playing frisbee golf
Riding a bicycle
Climbing a tree
Getting mugged
5. To the man who most recently managed _____________, have fun turning around Cleveland, as you're their new skipper:
New York Yankees
Chicago White Sox
6. Years of futility finally came to a close on Wednesday as, on the last day of the regular season, this guy finally won the Presidents Race at Nationals Park:
George Washington
Teddy Roosevelt
Abe Lincoln
Thomas Jefferson
7. These two teams juuuuuuust missed out on the post season, being the first-team-out behind the wild card teams in each league:
Rays and Dodgers
Angels and Dodgers
Rays and Brewers
Phillies and White Sox
8. Meanwhile, these two clubs finished with the worst record in each league:
Cleveland and Colorado
Minnesota and Chicago
Cleveland and Houston
Minnesota and Houston
9. The do-or-die wild card games were played in these two cities:
Baltimore and Atlanta
Atlanta and Arlington
St. Louis and Baltimore
Arlington and St. Louis
10. Cans, bottles, iPads and Whitey-whackers a plenty rained down upon Turner Field following a controversial ruling concerning this in the Atlanta-St. Louis game:
Infield fly rule
Catcher interference
Home run call
11. Meanwhile, the NFL Football Cardinals were knocked from the ranks of the undefeated, thanks to this happening nine times in their Thursday night game against St. Louis:
Turning the ball over
Giving up a sack
Surrendering a touchdown
Committing a penalty
12. If you haven't noticed, and we suspect that you haven't, the WNBA conference finals were contested by each of the following, except for:
Los Angeles
13. In the LDS opening games, this team's starter lasted the shortest, by far:
14. Passing for 300 yards in a game is good. Rushing for 300 yards in a game is better. One team doing both in the same game is pretty freaking spectacular. That achievement has happened exactly once in NFL history: yesterday - and that team is:
New England
San Francisco
San Diego
15. At the top of the list of dudes who have thrown a touchdown pass in the most consecutive games is Drew Brees. This guy is now #2:
Johnny Unitas
Bart Starr
Dan Marino
Warren Moon

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