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1. What was the film’s working title?
The Beatles’ Second Film
Eight Arms to Hold You
Ticket to Ride
Yellow Submarine
2. What is the name of the goddess worshipped in the film?
3. Why is the sacrifice at the top of the film not completed?
The offering isn’t wearing the sacrificial garment
The offering isn’t wearing the sacrificial necklace
The offering isn’t wearing the sacrificial ring
The offering isn’t wearing the sacrificial red paint
4. What is the first attempt to get the ring?
Ahme tries to take the ring as Ringo’s getting a sandwich
Clang tries to buy the ring
One of Clang’s men tries to cut off Ringo’s hand
One of Clang’s men tries to take it while Ringo’s asleep
5. What is the next attempt to get the ring?
Ahme tries to take the ring as Ringo’s getting a sandwich
Clang tries to buy the ring
One of Clang’s men tries to cut off Ringo’s hand
One of Clang’s men tries to take it while Ringo’s asleep
6. After Clang tries to buy the ring, how many attempts does the film tell us are made to secure the ring?
7. What does Ahme reveal to the audience about herself after foiling one of the attempts?
I am not actually in this film
I am not a Beatles fan
I am not really a woman
I am not what I seem
8. How does Professor Foot find out about the ring?
The lads respond to his ad looking for difficult-to-remove rings
He’s also managed by Brian Epstein
The lads consult him after the jeweler fails to remove the ring
He saw the beginning of the film
9. What does Algernon tell Paul and George about Professor Foot’s ambitions?
He’s out to rule the world if he can get a government grant
He’s out to rule world if he can marry the queen
He’s out to rule the world if he can get a patent on his ray gun
He’s out to rule the world if he has the winning bid for the How to Rule the World plans on eBay
10. How does Ahme propose to remove the ring?
Using the distilled essence of certain orchids found only in the Himalayas to shrink Ringo’s finger
Using the formula employed by African headhunters in shrinking heads to shrink Ringo’s finger
Using ether to anesthetize Ringo while they yank the ring off his finger
Using a titanium drill bit to slice through the ring
11. Where do the Beatles go to escape from Clang and his group?
The Alps
The Carpathians
The Hebrides
The Urals
12. While the Beatles are curling, what does George alert the lads to?
A beautiful girl watching them
A fault by Ringo
A fiendish thingie
One of Clang’s men
13. What sends the Beatles back to England?
An explosion in their cabin
A flamethrower attack by Clang
They have a recording session
Women chasing them all across the Alps
14. What is John’s response when the Scotland Yard superintendent disparages the Beatles’ career longevity?
The Brinks job, how’s that going?
Great Train Robbery, how’s that going?
Jack the Ripper case, how’s that going?
The Profumo case, how’s that going?
15. Where does Scotland Yard take the Beatles so they can be protected while recording?
Buckingham Palace
The Salisbury Plain
The Tower of London
Westminster Abbey
16. What’s the next supposedly-safe haven for the lads?
Buckingham Palace
The Salisbury Plain
The Tower of London
Westminster Abbey
17. How does Professor Foot attempt to get the ring while the lads are at Buckingham Palace?
By impersonating the queen and asking for the ring
By kidnapping Ringo
By pretending to be a ghost and frightening them into giving him the ring
By using a Relativity Condenser to slow them down
18. How do the Beatles escape the Relativity Condenser?
A fuse blows, turning off the machine
By reading ahead in the script and avoiding that hallway
With a Relativity Uncondenser
They don’t and Foot gets the ring
19. What song calms Raj, the “famous” Bengal man-eating tiger that’s threatening Ringo?
Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
Beethoven’s Ode to Joy
Grieg’s Morning
Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries
20. Where do the Beatles put it round that they’re going next, but they’re not going there?
The Bahamas
New Zealand
21. Where do they go?
The Bahamas
New Zealand
22. What is the Superintendent’s famous plan?
Disguise the other three Beatles as Ringo to lure out the bad guys
Go back to England and forget the whole thing
Have the Beatles play a concert to lure out the bad guys
Make a duplicate ring and offer it for sale to lure out the bad guys
23. How does Ahme save Ringo from Professor Foot?
Tells him there is another, more powerful ring
Tells him about the distilled essence of certain orchids she just got by parcel post
Tells him Dr Evil already rules the world
Tells him she’ll marry him
24. How does Ringo finally get the ring off?
It falls off as he tries to warn the other lads about the ambush awaiting them
Using lard and lots of hot soapy water
Kaili refuses him as a sacrifice and magically transports the ring off his finger
He doesn’t and gets sacrificed
25. To whom is the film dedicated?
Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone
Thomas Edison, inventor of the phonograph
Elias Howe, inventor of the sewing machine
Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of the wireless radio

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