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How Well Do You Know: 9/7/12-9/13/12
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1. Two co-stars of which of these comic book adaptations secretly wed this week in North Carolina?
The Green Lantern's Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds
The Dark Knight Rises' Joseph Gordon Levitt and Anne Hathaway
The Avengers' Scarlett Johannsson and Jeremy Renner
Man of Steel's Henry Cavill and Amy Adams
2. And speaking of superheroes, the actor behind his cinematic superhero made news this week by flying a 4 year-old leukemia patient to Disneyland, even joining the boy and his family for lunch:
Captain America
3. This unlikely person has been branded the internet's Most Dangerous least in the eyes of tech security company McAfee, in terms of celeb names used to lure webgoers to malicious sites:
Justin Bieber
Taylor Swift
Emma Watson
Ryan Gosling
4. Another day...another dispute over using a left-leaning band's music to complement a conservative message. R.E.M has issued a cease-and-desist letter against FOX News for using their song "_______" in covering the Democratic National Convention.
It's the End of the World as We Know It
Losing My Religion
Everybody Hurts
5. Dear Trekkies,

I am happy to finally tell you that the title of the upcoming sequel is "Star Trek _________". Live long and prosper.

Love, J.J. Abrams
Beyond Enterprise
Into Darkness
Wrath of Kahn (Hey it worked 30 years ago.)
6. Congratulations to the Elvis Presley fan who this week purchased which of these personal items belonging to the King for a whopping $94,600?
7. This star allegedly got her rage on and is suspected of criminal battery following a throw-down at a Hollywood nightspot early Sunday morning:
Kristen Stewart
Megan Fox
Jessica Alba
Miley Cyrus
8. Apparently the overwhelming criticism of their Olympic coverage wasn't enough, so NBC's Today show ignored the national moment of silence on 9/11 for a segment with ________.
Kris Kardashian discussing breast implants
The rise in manicure-related fungal infections
A cooking segment with Guy Fieri
A sneak preview of the season premiere of The Voice
9. If you happened to be watching _____'s live broadcast this week, then you saw a fellow named Jerry suffer a real heart attack on air.
Bachelor Pad
Big Brother
The Talk
10. So here's a nice problem to have: This celebrity's annual earnings *fell* by $125 million vs. the previous year, but s/he *still* raked in $165 million last year, good enough to top Forbes' list of highest paid celebrities. Who are we talking about here?
Tyler Perry
Steven Spielberg
Michael Bay
By way of explanation.....
The top 10: Oprah ($165 m); Bay ($160 m); Spielberg ($130 m); Jerry Bruckheimer ($115 m); Dr. Dre ($110 m); Perry ($105 m); Howard Stern ($95 m); James Patterson ($94 m); George Lucas ($90 m); Simon Cowell ($90 m)
11. No, no, got it all wrong. Reps for this famous couple issued denials following reports that the celeb pair has split:
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon
Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth
Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze, Jr.
George Clooney and Stacy Keibler
12. Bravo is mining your nostalgia for its latest TV series which is based upon what 80s/90s Christian Slater movie?
Pump Up the Volume
Gleaming the Cube
13. So welcome to Stork Week, apparently. Of the following, Who didn't welcome a baby into this crazy pop culture world of ours on Wednesday, Sept. 12?
Teri Hatcher
Nick Lachey
Adriana Lima
Levi Johnston
14. SLW sends out copious well wishes to this Best Actress Oscar winner who just underwent a double mastectomy following a breast cancer diagnosis.
Hilary Swank
Kate Winslet
Helen Mirren
Kathy Bates
15. Productivity ground to a halt Thursday as word spread of a Google Easter egg for calculating the "number" based on this prolific actor:
Nicolas Cage
Robert DeNiro
Sean Connery
Kevin Bacon

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