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How Well Do You Know: 8/3/12-8/9/12
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1. We're not sure exactly what Gucci is selling with this ad, but whatever it is, their use of this blonde head-turner ensures that we'll be buying it:
Jennifer Lawrence
Kate Hudson
Kate Upton
Blake Lively
2. As you have no doubt heard from just about everyone on your Facebook page, this pair of former co-stars are widely believed to be shacking up together (as in, totally doing it):
Cheer's Ted Danson and Kirstie Alley
The X-Files' David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson
Friends' Matthew Perry and Courteney Cox
CSI's William Peterson and Marg Helgenberger
3. Which vocal Madonna detractor recently summed up Madge's stage performance by calling her a 'fairground stripper?'
Elton John
Lady Gaga
Sean Penn
By way of explanation.....
We don't think that we've visited the same sorts of fairgrounds that Elton has...
4. Model Megan Rossee became considerably more famous this week, now that her months-old relationship with this big-time Olympic athlete finally became public:
Andy Murray
Michael Phelps
Ryan Lochte
Usain Bolt
5. Probably not the endorsement Romney was looking for..."I'm very looking forward to a Republican being back in office. When you’re rich, you want a Republican in office." Which unlikely (and wholly un-family-friendly) celebrity made this declaration?
Howard Stern
Sarah Silverman
Jenna Jameson
Ron Jeremy
6. Legal Matters, Part I:

Dear 90s Supporting Actor Oscar winner _____,

Bad news: You were arrested for allegedly assaulting a female bartender. Good news: She apparently has decided not to press charges.

City of New Orleans
Cuba Gooding Jr.
Sean Penn
Nicolas Cage
Kevin Spacey
7. Legal Matters, Part II:

Dear Grammy winning country star ______,

I am happy to inform you that you now face potential felony charges for crashing your car while drunk and threatening the life of a Texas State Trooper.

The Texas State Trooper you threatened (and who found you naked on the side of the road)
Randy Travis
George Strait
Tim McGraw
Toby Keith
8. Welcome to theaters, Total Recall. You're a big-budget sci-fi remake. Surely took the number one spot at the box office this weekend, right? RIGHT?!?
Wrong. You got second - $10 million behind The Dark Knight Rises.
Wrong. You got third behind The Dark Knight Rises and Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days.
Wrong. You failed to even crack the top five.
9. Fans of literary adaptations set for release this year were dealt a blow this week when it was announced that ________ has been moved to a Summer 2013 release date.

10. RIP Marvin Hamlisch. We'll remember Marv's contributions to the world of film:
For the cinematography he shot
For the songs and scores he wrote
For the scripts he penned
For the directing he directed
11. Firing the latest salvo in the fast-food chicken joint/gay marriage culture wars comes this video from Funny or Die, in which this actor portrays Colonel Sanders to give KFC's position on the issue:
Randy Quaid
George Lopez
Jim Belushi
John Goodman
12. Latest news from someone involved with Snow White and the Huntsman that SLW actually likes: Actor Bob Hoskins. What announcement did Hoskins make this week?
The long awaited Roger Rabbit sequel will begin filming this fall.
He is retiring from acting because of his recent Parkinson's disease diagnosis.
He is not returning for the Snow White and the Huntsman sequel because of the Kristen Stewart/Rupert Sanders affair.
The Super Mario Bros. movie is his favorite film of he made.
13. With news that Joss Whedon was officially coming back for Avengers 2, the rumor mill kicked into high gear that DC and Warner Bros. were working hard to get what actor/director on board to helm Justice League?
Ben Affleck
Kevin Costner
Mel Gibson
Clint Eastwood
14. If the National Enquirer is to be believed, which former child star, who starred in a couple of HUGE movies, is only six months away from death thanks to an out-of-control heroin addiction?
Maculay Culkin
Elijah Wood
Lindsay Lohan
Haley Joel Osment
15. In a title that we swear that we're not making up, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo debuted on a cable television network this week. HCHBB is a spin-off of this controversial show:
Toddlers & Tiaras
Jersey Shore
Keeping Up with the Kardashians
Deadliest Catch

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