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How Well Do You Know: 7/20/12-7/26/12
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1. It's official: This high selling, Grammy Award winning singer is joining American Idol next season for a reported $18 million.
Gloria Estefan
Mariah Carey
Faith Hill
2. The London Olympics aren't just about bringing together the world's greatest athletes. It's also going to be the scene for a reunion of which disbanded musical group?
Spice Girls
The Smiths
3. Maxim magazine did its best to boost military morale as it ran a pictorial featuring this blonde posing with the troops:
Jennifer Lawrence
Carrie Underwood
Reese Witherspoon
Kellie Pickler
4. Attention, citizenry: You can all stand down. The matriarch of this family, whose whereabouts were unclear during the week, have been resolved - so she's no longer maybe-missing:
Kardashian family
Hilton family
Jackson family
Baldwin family
5. Since we don't really view any people from The Bachelor/Bachelorette show as 'winners', let's just ask what was Emily Maynard's final choice on Sunday's finale?
She chose Arie.
She chose Jef.
She chose neither.
In a twist, she let her daughter choose and she picked Chris Harrison for mom.
6. Teen Choice Awards Round-up, Part 1: Which of these ladies took the stage to accept an award and was treated to a rendition of Happy Birthday, complete with cake?
Selena Gomez
Taylor Swift
Emma Stone
Carly Rae Jepsen
7. Teen Choice Awards Round-up, Part 2: Which TV show brought home five surfboard trophies?
The Vampire Diaries
Modern Family
8. Teen Choice Awards Round-up, Part 3: Unsurprisingly for this show and its age demographic, _______ won the award for Choice Movie Actor: Action.
Tom Cruise (Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol)
Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows)
Taylor Lautner (Abduction)
Tom Hardy (Warrior)
9. Speaking of teen choices, there was trouble in Twilight paradise this week when Kristen Stewart admitted cheatin' on Robert Pattinson with which of these married people associated with Snow White and the Huntsman?
Huntsman Chris Hemsworth
Director Rupert Sanders
Evil Queen Charlize Theron
Dwarf Bob Hoskins
10. If KStew's infidelity wasn't weird enough, the kind of odd thing was the speed with which, almost as soon as the affair was made public, she:
Apologized for the indiscretion
Announced her retirement from acting
Revealed that she and Pattinson had separated
Announced she was engaged to her Snow White director
11. From the Get Rich or Die Tryin' file, we read that members of this ensemble show are suing to void their current contracts as they all seek more coin:

12. If we are to believe him, this star of The Expendables has claimed that he beat 'world's fastest man' Usain Bolt in a drunken 30 meter foot race. Which tough guy is telling this story and admitting that he was also given a four-stride headstart by Bolt?
Jason Statham
Mickey Rourke
Dolph Lungren
Sylvester Stallone
13. SLW mourns the death of another TV icon this week with the passing of actor Sherman Hemsley. Which of these series did Hemsley NOT have either a starring or recurring guest role?
The Jeffersons
All in the Family
Diff'rent Strokes
14. Things got ugly at the intersection of entertainment, fast food and sociopolitical issues, as the creators of __________ dissolved their relationship with Chick-Fil-A this week:
Family Guy
The Muppets
The Simpsons
15. In the aftermath of the horrific Aurora, Colorado shootings, this man associated with The Dark Knight Rises personally visited with victims of the shooting and their caretakers:
Christian Bale
Christopher Nolan
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Tom Hardy

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