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How Well Do You Know: Common Movie Title Roles II
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#15 on that quiz isn't correct. Jim Carrey was the lead in both The Truman Show and The Mask.
Keryl 1/28/13 7:04 pm


1. The person who played the title role in Mrs. Doubtfire also played the title role in:
Patch Adams
The Wedding Singer
American Psycho
Paul Blart, Mall Cop
By way of explanation.....
Both were played by Robin Williams
2. The person who played the title role in Taxi Driver also played the title role in:
Midnight Cowboy
The Natural
The Fan
Michael Clayton
By way of explanation.....
Both were played by Robert De Niro
3. The person who played the title role in The Fighter also played the title role in:
The Bourne Supremacy
The Pacifier
The Dictator
By way of explanation.....
Both were played by Mark Wahlberg
4. George of the Jungle
The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
Encino Man
The Tourist
By way of explanation.....
Both were played by Brendan Fraser
5. Elf
Despicable Me
The Perfect Weapon
By way of explanation.....
Both were played by Will Ferrell
6. G.I. Jane
Betsy's Wedding
Blame It on Rio
The Juror
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
By way of explanation.....
Both were played by Demi Moore
7. A Knight's Tale
The Dark Knight
Shakespeare in Love
Speed Racer
By way of explanation.....
Both were played by Heath Ledger
8. The Love Guru
The Rocketeer
The Exorcist
The Cat in the Hat
By way of explanation.....
Both were played regrettably by Mike Myers
9. Salt
The Bone Collector
Aeon Flux
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
Sid and Nancy
By way of explanation.....
Both were played by Angelina Jolie
10. Malcolm X
The Transporter
Enemy of the State
The Hurricane
Johnny Dangerously
By way of explanation.....
Both were played by Denzel Washington
11. Bob Roberts
Top Gun
Jacob's Ladder
Jack the Bear
By way of explanation.....
Both were played by Tim Robbins
12. Dick Tracy
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
The Horse Whisperer
Marley and Me
By way of explanation.....
Both were played by Warren Beatty
13. The Patriot
The American President
The Mexican
The Road Warrior
Angel Heart
By way of explanation.....
Both were played by Mel Gibson
14. Milk
Jerry Maguire
I Am Sam
American Gangster
By way of explanation.....
Both were played by Sean Penn
15. Bruce Almighty
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
Evan Almighty
The Truman Show
Semi Pro
By way of explanation.....
Both were played by Jim Carrey

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