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How Well Do You Know: 6/22/12-6/28/12
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1. Crisis averted, part 1: Which game show host is doing fine after suffering a mild heart attack this week?
Pat Sajak
Alex Trebek
Steve Harvey
Donnie Osmond
2. Crisis averted, part 2: A hip hop figure was involved in a car accident between his SUV and a Mack truck. Which fellow was admitted to but quickly released from the hospital with minor injuries?
P Diddy
Lil Wayne
50 Cent
3. Looks like the Wolf Pack may be heading to a real wedding next month. Which Hangover star is reportedly getting married to his long-time girlfriend?

4. The members of this 90s music group reunited to unveil plans for "Viva Forever", a Mamma Mia-esque musical based on their songs:
Stone Temple Pilots
Spice Girls
Blink 182
5. The SLW staff digs the occasional romantic comedy. Want to make something of it? Anyway, we were saddened to learn of director/screenwriter Nora Ephon's passing this week. Each of the below romcom's is a work of Ephorn's, except for:

6. This foodstuff was unexpectedly embroiled in controversy this week when after its makers made a Facebook posting supporting gay marriage:
7. Thursday night will now feature the considerable comedic talents of these two guys, who have their own shows on FX network - just so you know who to thank.
Russell Brand and Jonah Hill
Charlie Sheen and Russell Brand
Jonah Hill and Andy Dick
Andy Dick and Charlie Sheen
By way of explanation.....
The irony of a Brand/Sheen tandem is not lost on SLW. Since Brand is a recovering addict and outspoken proponent of rehab and Sheen doesn't "believe in rehab."
8. While we're talking about Brand, who may have been part of the previous correct answer (spoiler: he was), it's time to check-in with Katy Perry.

She has been on full publicity blitz this week promoting her 3D docu-biopic-concert film thingy, which shares a name with which of her songs?
Wide Awake
Part of Me
Teenage Dream
Best Of Both Worlds
9. If you believe internet gossip sites - and we always do - the other woman in the Johnny Depp/Vanessa Paradis split may be Depp's Rum Diaries co-star Amber Heard. Rumors go on to suggest that Depp might have given Amber a gift of this type of animal:

10. "Roamin da streets since 6am! Fyah in da telly."

This music star tweeted the above this week, and we can only assume that she was referring to the fire which caused the evacuation of the London hotel in which she was staying....but who the hell knows:
Carly Rae Jepsen
Lady Gaga
11. Happiness will double this fall for the stars of this show, as they learned recently that they are expecting twins:
Two and a Half Men
Sons of Anarchy
True Blood
How I Met Your Mother
12. Out of fear of The Dark Knight Rises dominating the box office, Universal has moved The Bourne Legacy out to ______ from its original August 3 debut.
August 10
November 3
December 25
April 28
13. This week The Avengers crossed another monetary milestone. What was it?
It passed $600 million in domestic dollars. Only the third film to do so.
It finally edged past Titanic as the second highest grosser.
Its DVD and BluRay presales have already surpassed previous record holder Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1
Its global box office surpassed $3 Billion.
14. We're sure she won't regret this at all. Ever the 'rebel,' Ke$ha took the bold step to tattoo what two word phrase on the inside of her lower lip?
Love You
Kiss Me
Suck It
Tik Tok
15. Good news for fans of legitimate theater! The run for Undisputed Truth, the one-man Broadway show featuring this curiosity, has been extended for an additional six shows.
Mike Tyson
Mel Gibson
Axl Rose
Emilio Estevez

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