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How Well Do You Know: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
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1. What rank does James T Kirk hold at the beginning of Wrath of Khan?
Rear Admiral
2. What is the test which all command-level cadets at Starfleet Academy must take?
The Archer Gambit
The Cochrane Deceleration Maneuver
The Kobayashi Maru
The Observer Effect
3. Why is the Kobayashi Maru considered such a difficult test?
Kobayashi Maru is Klingon for “Respond and die” and cadets aren’t taught Klingon
The cadet in command must find a planet by that name and there aren’t any in the Milky Way galaxy
Kobayashi Maru is an anagram of the name of the first fleet admiral of Starfleet
The Kobayashi Maru is a no-win scenario
4. Who is the only cadet to succeed at the Kobayahsi Maru?
Jonathan Archer
James T Kirk
Jean-Luc Picard
Christopher Pike
5. How did Kirk beat the no-win scenario?
He reprogrammed the simulation so it was possible to rescue the ship
He charmed the answer out of the female instructor he was dating
He found the answer in 101 Ways to Pass Starfleet Academy Without Really Trying
Spock gave him the answer in a Vulcan mind-meld
6. What is Khan’s full name?
Anwar Khan
Khan Sandeep Patel
Khan Noonian Singh
Chaka Khan
7. In what episode of the original series was Khan introduced?
Amok Time
Balance of Terror
Journey to Babel
Space Seed
8. What was the name of the Terran wars from which Khan and his people were escaping?
The Agrarian Wars
The Eugenics Wars
The 100 Years War
World War III
9. What is the name of Khan’s ship?
SS Botany Bay
SS Columbia
SS Man O' War
SS Prince Edward
10. What is the historical significance of Botany Bay?
It was a famous battle in the Boer War
It was the town where Gregor Mendel did his genetics research
It was the name of the penal colony England established in Australia
It was the name of the ship that Sir Francis Drake sailed round the world
11. What is the name of the planet Khan was left to colonize at the end of Space Seed?
Ceti Alpha V
Omega Alpha III
Talos IV
Zirconium VII
12. What is the big blooper in the film?
Chekov recognizes the Botany Bay
Khan is married to someone other than Lt Marla McIvers
The landing party was instructed to investigate Ceti Alpha IV but say Ceti Alpha VI
Khan recognizes Chekov, saying he never forgets a face
13. Why is Khan’s recognition of Chekov considered an error?
Chekov wasn’t serving on board the Enterprise when Khan was there
Chekov was played by a different actor in the series
Khan wasn’t played by Ricardo Montalban in the original episode
Khan was never on the bridge when Chekov was on duty
14. What is the name of the ship that Khan commandeers and who is its commander?
The USS Beagle under Captain Marik
The USS Constellation under Commodore Decker
The USS Exeter under Captain Tracey
The USS Reliant under Captain Terrell
15. What is the name of the top-secret project Dr Carol Marcus is working on?
16. What secret does Dr Marcus share with Kirk?
She’s a lesbian
She’s the mother of his son
She’s secretly married to Dr McCoy
She’s a transsexual
17. How does Kirk try to prevent Khan from continuing his attack on the Enterprise?
He takes the ship behind a black hole
He takes the ship into the Mutara Nebula
He takes the ship inside Regula I
He takes the ship above Warp 8
18. How does Khan attempt to finally destroy the already-crippled Enterprise?
He engages the Genesis device, which will destroy all matter when it creates the new matrix
He fires all the Reliant’s remaining photon torpedoes at the Enterprise’s nacelles
He puts the Reliant on self-destruct and aims it at the Enterprise
He tricks Kirk into beaming over an anti-matter bomb, telling him it’s a wounded crewman
19. Why is the Enterprise having trouble escaping the Mutara Nebula before the Genesis device engages?
There’s a force field around the Genesis device that holds the Enterprise in stasis
Khan has locked the Reliant’s tractor beam on the Enterprise
Khan’s attack damaged the warp engines and they are offline
Kirk left the keys in his other pants
20. What author does Khan quote as the Genesis countdown approaches zero and the Enterprise is still within range of the device?
Herman Hesse
Herman Melville
Herman Wouk
Herman’s Hermits
21. What tribute does Kirk pay Spock during his eulogy?
He knew the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
His strategies were always flawlessly logical
Of all the souls he had encountered in his travels, Spock’s was the most human
He was a master of the Vulcan lyre
22. What song is played as Spock’s coffin is sent into the launch bay?
Amazing Grace
Funeral March of a Marionette
How Great Thou Art
Nearer My God to Thee
23. Who plays Spock’s funeral dirge and with what instrument?
Chekov on the balalaika
Scotty on the bagpipes
Sulu on the sitar
Uhura on the Vulcan lyre
24. Who recites the familiar “Space, the final frontier” speech at the end of the film?
25. What does the T stand for in James T Kirk?

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