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How Well Do You Know: 5/4/12-5/10/12
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1. If you live on planet Earth, then you probably saw The Avengers last weekend. In North America, it took the opening weekend record when it made HOW MUCH?!?!?!?!
2. SLW sadly pours one out for Adam Yauch aka MCA of recent Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame inductees The Beastie Boys, who died of cancer this week. Which of these is NOT a Beastie Boys song?
Paul Revere
So What'cha Want
How Ya Like Me Now
3. SLW pours another one out for children's author Maurice Sendak who died at 83. What is the book he is most famous for writing?
Where the Wild Things Are
Goodnight, Moon
Curious George
The Mouse and the Motorcycle
4. Replacement judge rumors, reports and reports of rumors have been circulating The X-Factor since Nicole and Paula left. Which of these ladies has been confirmed as a new judge (for a crazy one year salaray of $15 million)?
Taylor Swift
Deborah Gibson
Britney Spears
5. Which news regarding a reality show host makes him an ideal candidate to be on the show he hosts?
Survivor's Jeff Probst has quit the show to 'live off the land' in the Brazilian jungles
Dancing with the Stars' Tom Bergeron has secretly been training with Carrie Ann for the finale
The Bachelor's Chris Harrison is getting divorced from his wife of 18 years
American Idol's Ryan Seacrest has signed a recording contract with Julianne Hough
6. Getting on the wrong side of SNL honcho Lorne Micheals this week was musical guest Rihanna. Why was Lorne not too pleased with the singer?
She skipped the dress rehearsal
She refused to play more than one song
She sang a song other than the one she was scheduled to perform
She showed up late and missed her first scheduled song during the live broadcast
7. Unless being unbelievably hot is now a sport, Kate Upton is an unusual choice for this recently announced sports honor?
Being on a box of Wheaties
Carrying the U.S. flag at the Olympics opening ceremony
Getting her own Topps trading card
8. Let's blame 'the island' because alcohol and motor vehicle problems still plague the cast of Lost. Which Lost star was arrested for DUI this week?
Terry O'Quinn
Josh Halloway
Matthew Fox
Naveen Andrews
9. Reality Show winners, Part 1: What best describes the relationship of Rachel & Dave, this season's winners of the Amazing Race?
10. Reality Show Winners, Part 2: The Voice completes its second season. The winning singer belonged to what team?
Team Adam
Team Christina
Team Cee-Lo
Team Blake
11. R.I.P. @mrskutcher. Demi Moore's has finally decided to ditch the Twitter tribute to her once thriving marriage. Her new Twitter handle is now _____.
12. You apparently need to be a HUGE Miley Cyrus fan to have seen her new film, which made a total of only $46,500. What is the strangely appropriate text shorthand title of this collosal failure?
By way of explanation.....
Incidentally, that total is equal to the per screen average that The Avengers made in its first three days.
13. In what may be the definition of ideal casting, rapper/sometime actor _______ has been cast as Jimi Hendrix in the biopic "All Is By My Side."
Andre 3000
14. Salacious litigation time. This actor, who has denied rumors of homosexuality for decades, is now the target of two separate lawsuits from male masseurs. Who is it?
Kevin Spacey
John Travolta
Tom Cruise
Richard Simmons
15. No celebrity captures the spirit of prize fighting more than this guy, who somehow found his way into Floyd Mayweather's entourage for the pugilist's bout this weekend:
Michale Cera
Justin Long
Justin Bieber
Kirk Cameron
By way of explanation.....
Banner week for the Biebs, as he also graduated high school this week

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