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How Well Do You Know: 4/20/12-4/26/12
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1. This week, rumors of pregnancy beat their little wings furiously around which star of Michael Bay films (and open critic of Michael Bay himself), though the star has yet to confirm?
The Island's Scarlett Johansson
Pearl Harbor's Kate Beckinsale
Transformers' Megan Fox
Armageddon's Liv Tyler
2. Happy 'quarter of a century' birthday to this television channel that aired a self-congratulatory special this weekend to mark 25 years of broadcasting.
The CW
3. About as far away from what the House of Mouse would condone for its Disney Channel stars, _______ admitted she was regularly given drugs and alcohol by club promoters.
Vanessa Hudgens
Miley Cyrus
Ashley Tisdale
Demi Lovato
4. As far as we know, American Idol is still on the air. Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, which of the show's alum took the stand to testify in the trial of his/her mother's and sibling's murders?
Clay Aiken
Kelly Clarkson
Jennifer Hudson
5. OK. We checked and confirmed American Idol IS still on the air. This week, the show featured a show devoted exclusively to performances based on the catalog of:
The Police
Kool & The Gang
The Cars
6. Apparently not as unemployable as we thought, Lindsay Lohan will be playing which silver screen icon for an upcoming Lifetime television movie?
Elizabeth Taylor
Marilyn Monroe
Rita Hayworth
Linda Lovelace
7. “I feel very sorry for her. I think she needs a lot of help. She needs time away,” Which comic figure raised hell about the news, opining that Lilo might want to sorta get her act back together before resuming her professional life?
Bill Cosby
Tina Fey
Jane Lynch
Rosie O'Donnell
8. This British performer had an unique audience this week as he spoke in front of the U.K. Parliament about drug addition and treatment. Who is this former drug addict/comedian?
Russell Brand
Eddie Izzard
Rowan Atkinson
Eric Idle
9. Time for some canine cuteness. Which FOX TV show star tweeted a video of himself playing guitar while his dog 'sings along' with the message that 'even the dog sings better than me'? (It's disappointing he wasn't playing Stand By Me, though.)
Kiefer Sutherland
David Boreanz
Geoff Stults
Hugh Laurie
By way of explanation.....
10. With Hollywood and political figures about to descend on Washington DC for the Correspondents Dinner, which former SNL star unleashed a profanity-laced tirade about Barack Obama on his podcast?
Jon Lovitz
Eddie Murphy
Dana Carvey
The Ghost of Phil Hartman
This week was witness to what is described as the world's largest flash mob. Possibly dozens of dancers in various countries were simultaneously led by actor Alfonso Ribeiro (helpfully highlighted above), who you probably don't remember from this sitcom:
The Cosby Show
Boy Meets World
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
By way of explanation.....
12. The Kardashians continue to rampage over the pop culture landscape like a band of marauding elephants. The clan signed a deal with E! network for a figure approximating:
$100 million
$40 million
$75 million
$15 million
13. People magazine declared this singer the world's "Most Beautiful Woman."
Katy Perry
Carrie Underwood
14. SLW didn't even know they were dating but apparently actress Carey Mulligan has married a fellow named Marcus Mumford. What does Mr. Mumford do for a living?
By way of explanation.....
Marcus is the 'Mumford' in the band Mumford & Sons.
15. SLW was surprised to learn that it wasn't until this week that ________, just now got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
The Avengers' Robert Downey Jr.
The Hunger Games' Woody Harrelson
The Raven's John Cusack
Men in Black III's Will Smith

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