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How Well Do You Know: Leonardo DiCaprio Movie Roles
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1. Howard Hughes
Catch Me If You Can
Poison Ivy
The Aviator
2. Jack Dawson
This Boy's Life
Revolutionary Road
The Basketball Diaries
3. Cobb
The Beach
The Quick and the Dead
The Man in the Iron Mask
4. Teddy Daniels
Revolutionary Road
Gangs of New York
Shutter Island
Catch Me If You Can
5. Frank Wheeler
Catch Me If You Can
Revolutionary Road
Body of Lies
6. Danny Archer
The Basketball Diaries
Blood Diamond
Poison Ivy
Marvin's Room
7. Billy Costigan
Gangs of New York
This Boy's Life
Shutter Island
The Departed
8. Frank Abagnale, Jr.
Catch Me If You Can
Gangs of New York
The Quick and the Dead
Romeo + Juliet
9. Amsterdam Vallon
The Beach
The Quick and the Dead
The Man in the Iron Mask
Gangs of New York
10. Richard
The Basketball Diaries
The Departed
The Beach
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
11. Hank
Marvin's Room
The Departed
Romeo + Juliet
12. Jim Carroll
The Basketball Diaries
Shutter Island
Revolutionary Road
13. Kid
The Quick and the Dead
What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
Romeo + Juliet
14. Arnie
What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
Shutter Island
Revolutionary Road
Romeo + Julie
15. Roger Ferris
Blood Diamond
Marvin's Room
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
Body of Lies
16. Toby Wolff
The Aviator
This Boy's Life
Shutter Island
17. Guy
The Beach
Poison Ivy
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
18. Philippe
Gangs of New York
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
This Boy's Life
The Man in the Iron Mask
19. Louis
Gangs of New York
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
This Boy's Life
The Man in the Iron Mask
20. Romeo
Feel good
about yourself
by choosing
Romeo + Juliet

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