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How Well Do You Know: Beverly Hills Cop Scenes
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1. Start with some easy ones...Remember guess which movie the scene is from. Axel is trying to buy stolen credit cards as part of a sting operation
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
2. "Axel, are you on a coffee break?" Inspector Todd is shot and killed?
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
3. Axel, Billy and Taggert go to a Gentlemen's Club.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
Both I & II
4. Axel is buying cigarettes from the back of a truck as part of a sting operation.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
Both II & III
5. Billy learns how to bypass a window security with nothing but a chewing gum wrapper.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
6. Axel poses as a reporter for Rolling Stone magazine, in town to interview Michael Jackson, to gain access to a hotel suite.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
7. Axel gets tossed out of a window and then arrested for disturbing the peace.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
Both I & II
8. Axel is setting up a bust on some carjackers in Detroit.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
9. Bogomil is shot during a drive by shooting.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
10. Axel's friend Michael Tandino is shot outside Axel's apartment.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
11. Axel, with the aid of former quarterback Jimmy Dix, stops the owner of the professional football team from blowing up US Senator Calvin Baynard.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
12. Axel saves two children from a malfunctioning ride.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
13. Axel offers his grooming service to the legs of a 6 ft blonde.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
14. Serge mispronounces Axel's name.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
Both I & III
15. Axel's Detroit sidekick detective Jeffrey, wrecks the $67,000 Ferrari.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
16. Axel jumps ahead of the line in front of George Lucas.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
Both II & III
17. Johnny Wishbone, from the island of St Croix, is helping the Beverly Hills police department solve crimes.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
18. Billy learns how to use a rocket launcher and some how successfully stops the semi truck from leaving.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
19. Hugh Hefner makes a cameo appearance.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
All of the above
20. Gerald Ford is giving a standing applause as he leaves a respectable establishment.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
21. We find out that the use of coffee grounds will throw off the scent of drugs when passing through customs.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
22. Axel sneaks around dressed as an elephant.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
all of the above
23. Axel as Ramon needs to tell Victor that he has Herpes Simplex 10 and that Victor should get himself checked before things start falling off.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
None of the above
24. Axel, mistaken for a valet, drives away in a Porsche.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
Both I & III
25. Axel wears his signature Detroit Lions jacket.
Beverly Hills Cop I
Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop III
Both II & III

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