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How Well Do You Know: The Amazing Race, Season 18 Recap Part 1
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1. The returning teams this season only went as far back as Season 12. Which season’s cast was unrepresented on Unfinished Business?
2. They couldn’t make room for any teams from Season 13 because there were how many teams from Season 14 given a second chance?
By way of explanation.....
The Season 14 teams were Luke & Margie, Jaime & Cara, Mel & Mike, Amanda & Kris, and Kisha & Jen
3. Episode 1: Since the Race is all about geography, let’s kick it off by asking: In what western state did the Race begin?
4. Episode 1: Right out of the gate Phil delivers good news and bad news. The good news was that the team that checks in first on this leg gets an Express Pass. Who claims this advantage?
Kisha & Jen
Amanda & Kris
Ron & Christina
Gary & Mallory
5. Episode 1: And the bad news is that the last team to complete the first task (and claim their flight information) will be hit with an automatic U-Turn at the first Detour. Who claims this disadvantage?
Jet & Cord
Amanda & Kris
Luke & Margie
Ron & Christina
6. Episode 2: Since the first episode ends without a true pitstop, the teams are still racing in Australia. Which of these items does NOT describe a challenge this leg in episode 2?
Spitting paint
7. Episode 2: To up the embarrassment factor, the teams have to dress up as what animal synonymous with Australia to complete a task?
8. Episode 2: The first team eliminated was ______.
Mel & Mike
Jaime & Cara
Amanda & Kris
Ron & Christina
9. Episode 3: No more Down Under for the Amazing Race as the teams leave Sydney for what major, densely populated city?
Hong Kong
10. Episode 3: Which team experiences a delay in Japan when they clip the mirror of another car in traffic and have to wait for the police to arrive?
Zev & Justin
Jaime & Cara
Gary & Mallory
Luke & Margie
11. Episode 3: At the Detour, Flight Time & Big Easy mistakenly grab the bag of ______ and are hit with a 30 minute penalty at the pitstop.
Kisha & Jen
Ron & Christina
Jaime & Cara
Mel & Mike
12. Episode 4: Despite being guaranteed a seat on one of two required flights out of Japan, this navigationally deficient team missed both flights and had to take another one, which resulted in a 30 minute penalty at the next pitstop.
Gary & Mallory
Jet & Cord
Zev & Justin
Kent & Vyxsin
13. Episode 4: The Chinese Zodiac Roadblock proved particularly difficult for which team mate that couldn’t find the Rabbit and didn’t realize they had two Goats?
14. Episode 5: Even though there wasn’t a pitstop in the last episode, the teams still use their down time for a friendly game of basketball. Which of these teams did NOT play hoops at this time?
Jet & Cord
Kisha & Jen
Flight Time & Big Easy
Zev & Justin
15. Episode 5: In Kunming, China, there is a double U-Turn looming for teams. Goths Kent & Vyxsin U-Turn cheerleaders Jaime & Cara right in their faces and the cheerleaders then U-Turn _____.
Ron & Christina
Jet & Cord
Flight Time & Big Easy
Kisha & Jen
16. Episode 5: Who is the third team eliminated thanks to an inability to assemble a dinosaur at the Roadblock?
Kent & Vyxsin
Mike & Mel
Luke & Margie
Jaime & Cara
17. Episode 6: The teams venture to Calcutta, India, and participate in a Roadblock that sounds easy but was brutal in reality – a tea tasting. From thousands of cups of tea, the teams have to find the one that is papaya and _______ flavored.
18. Episode 6: Which poor, unfortunate soul put forth a Rudy-like effort with this tea Roadblock but was still the last one to finish it, thus putting them too far back to avoid elimination.
19. Episode 7: Still in India but now in the holy city of Varanasi, the Roadblock has teams locating six holy men. Kent asks and gets help from what person only to leave them high and dry to finish the task alone once he is done with the task?
Big Easy
20. Episode 8: In Vienna, Austria, the “Quick Easy Meal” Detour task involved eating an entire meal in one 12-minute Ferris Wheel rotation. How many teams successfully completed this task?
All six
21. Episode 8: This leg was another nonelimination. Which last place team was spared at the pitstop at the von Trapp home?
Gary & Mallory
Zev & Justin
Kisha & Jen
Flight Time & Big Easy
22. Episode 9: In Lichtenstein, there is a tremendous amount of teamwork in the form of Roadblock answer sharing between all these teams, except:
Zev & Justin
Gary & Mallory
Jet & Cord
Kisha & Jen
23. Episode 9: So what was the Roadblock answer that was shared? (Remember that it was the distance across the country of Lichtenstein.)
17 km
22 km
29 km
35 km
24. Episode 10: The teams were now off to Switzerland and a Detour on the Matterhorn. Three teams chose the Rescue challenge, which involved lowering one team mate into a crevice to ‘rescue’ a person. Which of these did NOT do this task?
Kisha & Jen
Kent & Vyxsin
Flight Time & Big Easy
Gary & Mallory
25. Episode 10: Why are Kent & Vyxsin penalized this time, which led to them finally being eliminated?
Vyxsin hid Flight Time’s mold at the Roadblock
Failed to bring their gnome to the pitstop
Lost their passport again
Took a taxi when told to walk

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