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How Well Do You Know: 7/27/07-8/2/07
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We're shocked that Nikki isn't among the 10 least reputable ex Idol contestants

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1. Seen here:

Who caught us off-guard by looking rather darned good as she prepared for her role in the London production of Chicago?
Kelly Osbourne
Kelly Clarkson
Christina Aguilera
Jo Jo
2. A&E brought us the debut of a reality show chronicling the life and hijinx of The Two:
Sheen Brothers
Forgotten Baldwins
Last Hollywood Virgins
3. Robbed and stripped naked was how police found the husband of which actress, after he was mugged by three women (nod, nod, wink, wink):
Elizabeth Taylor
Liza Minelli
Zsa Zsa Gabor
Helen Mirren
4. An interfering An influential A caring mother may have had much to do with the cancellation of the planned wedding between this R&B singer and his pregnant fiancee:
John Legend
Ruben Studdard
R. Kelly
5. The So Last Week staff was overjoyed on Thursday evening at the debut of a huge online archive. What media did the archive contain?
Comic books
Book review
Film reviews
Chevy Chase pratfalls
6. Pictured here in the current issue of Newsweek:

this brainy actress wants girls to think that math is cool (apparently, so is defacing dressing room mirrors).
Jodie Foster
Danica McKellar
Jennifer Connolly
Angelina Jolie
7. This week, we were turning cartwheels over what we thought was the greatest news, I don't know, EVER, to concern Paris Hilton. A few days later, we found out that the story was sadly mistaken. What was the gist of the unfortunately incorrect story?
Paris was being sent back to prison
The Hilton family patriarch had stripped the entire family of its inheritance
Paris had been secretly married in Italy
Paris was named to be a contestant on an upcoming celebrity version of Survivor
8. More Paris! Golden Palace casino reportedly paid $1000 for a used item of Paris's. What was the unusual item?
A cocktail napkin
A bra
Dental floss
A cell phone
9. This week we learned that the Paris Hilton/Nicole Richie entertainment juggernaut we know as The Simple Life:
Was nominated for an Emmy
Would, for its next installment, follow the girls as they train to go into space
Was renewed for five more seasons
Was cancelled
10. More Nicole Richie news! Following Nicole's plea of guilty to a DUI charge, the hammer of justice came down hard on her this week. What was the sentence?
Community service
4 days in jail
4 weeks in jail
4 years in jail
11. So Last Week editors sheepishly admit we had no idea what the hell a colortini was until the passing of this late night talk show personality:
Charlie Frost
Tom Snyder
Ed McMahon
Carson Daly
12. We lost a legendary film director this week. Who shuffled off to the great cutting room in the sky?
Ingmar Bergman
Billy Wilder
Sam Peckinpah
William Wyler
13. Consider Angie Everhart. Quite a fetching lady. When she acts, well, she tries her little heart out. We're not sure about her taste in the fellas, though. Sylvester Stallone's ex this week became engaged to what unlikely actor?
Edward Norton
Joe Pesci
Carlos Mencia
Paul Reubens
14. A handler for which actress was quoted as saying: "The last script that came to us was for [her] to be a porn star. We were promised we would win an Oscar with that. I was like, "We'll just buy a little man (Oscar) and keep our clothes on."
Jessica Simpson
Tara Reid
Brittany Murphy
Jennifer Lopez
15. There has been no news about The View for several weeks now. Nevertheless, we have still found enough news for So Last Week to continue publication. Our jobs were made easier this week when this woman was named to the vacant host position:
Elizabeth Berkley
Diane Sawyer
Whoopi Goldberg
Katie Couric
16. Speaking of The View: Remember Star Jones? Neither did we, until she forced her way back into the news this week by admitting which startling confession:
She had gastric bypass surgery to lose more than 100 pounds
She was a lesbian
She has been acting under an assumed name in a London theatre production of Hairspray
She can *so* catch a football
17. This mildly notorious former American Idol contestant was arrested on drug charges:
Corey Clark
Justin Guarini
William Hung
Nikki McKibbin
18. This successful sports coach and all-around stand-up guy has the #1 slot on the New York Times Best Seller list:
Bill Parcells
Bill Walsh
Rick Neuheisel
Tony Dungy
19. An Oscar-winning actress told Monsters and Critics that, while she hasn't appeared nude in film yet, she is open to it, saying: "Nudity just isn't a big deal for me. The reason I haven't done it so far is because I've never had a script that justices it come my way." Who are we talking about here?
Jodie Foster
Catherine Zeta -Jones
Charlize Theron
Julia Roberts
20. One of our favorite nutjobs is convinced that al-Qaeda's head cheese is out for him: ""I figure if Bin Laden wants me, and everybody is looking for him, it probably won't happen. But if he wants to try and find me for something so stupid, he can do what he wants. I have to leave it in the hands of my higher power." Who is unreasonably (we can only assume) jittery?
Daniel Baldwin
Michael Jackson
Nick Nolte
Bobby Brown

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