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How Well Do You Know: Julia Roberts Movie Roles
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1. Let’s not insult your intelligence by asking what movie her Oscar-winning role was in. Instead, how was her name spelled?
Erin Brockovich
Errin Brockovic
Erin Brokovich
Erin Brockvic
2. Vivian Ward
The Pelican Brief
Pretty Woman
Runaway Bride
Charlie Wilson’s War
3. Shelby Eatenton Latherie
Sleeping with the Enemy
Dying Young
Charlie Wilson’s War
Steel Magnolias
4. Maggie Carpenter
Notting Hill
Runaway Bride
Eat Pray Love
5. Alice Sutton
Notting Hill
Conspiracy Theory
Mystic Pizza
America’s Sweethearts
6. Isabel Kelly
Michael Collins
Notting Hill
America’s Sweethearts
7. Darby Shaw
The Pelican Brief
Steel Magnolias
Ocean’s 11
8. Anna Scott
Notting Hill
Mystic Pizza
My Best Friend’s Wedding
9. Kiki Harrison
Steel Magnolias
The Mexican
America’s Sweethearts
Charlie Wilson’s War
10. Dr. Rachel Mannus
Full Frontal
The Pelican Brief
Mona Lisa Smile
11. Liz Gilbert
Pretty Woman
Eat Pray Love
The Mexican
America’s Sweethearts
12. Joanne Herring
Charlie Wilson’s War
Steel Magnolias
Notting Hill
The Pelican Brief
13. Julianne Potter
Notting Hill
My Best Friend’s Wedding
Dying Young
Sleeping with the Enemy
14. Katherine Ann Watson
Mona Lisa Smile
Mystic Pizza
The Mexican
15. Samantha Barzel
The Mexican
The Pelican Brief
Pretty Woman
16. Laura Burney
Conspiracy Theory
Eat Pray Love
Sleeping with the Enemy
Runaway Bride
17. Francesca or Catherine
Full Frontal
America’s Sweethearts
18. Tinkerbell
Peter Pan
19. Roberts’ Tess Ocean appeared in which of these:
Ocean’s 13
Deep End of the Ocean
Ocean’s 12
South Pacific
20. Even though you probably didn’t see the movie, let’s end on an EASY one: Mary Reilly
Mary Reilly
Erin Brockovich
Mona Lisa Smile
Charlie Wilson’s War

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