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How Well Do You Know: Dirty Harry
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1. Scorpio (Andrew Robinson) shoots his first victim as she is doing what?
Talking on the phone
Walking down the street
2. Scorpio demands $100,000 from the city or he will kill again. How is the message to be sent out if the Mayor agrees to pay?
Newspaper ad
Television announcement
Radio announcement
3. What Clint Eastwood film is advertised to be playing in the theater just before the bank robbery?
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Play Misty For Me
The Beguiled
High Plains Drifter
4. How many men are involved in robbing the bank?
5. When telling the surviving bank robber about his .44 Magnum, what does Harry claim not to know?
Where it was made
How long he's been using it
How many shots he fired during the robbery
How much it weighs
6. What is the first thing Lt. Bressler (Harry Guardino) asks Harry about when he returns to work after the Bank robbery?
Where he was last night
When will Harry get a haircut
His plans for the weekend
How he likes the coffee
7. Chico (Reni Santoni) took part in what sport at San Jose State University?
8. During the church stakeout, what does the neon sign above Harry and Chico say?
Jesus Saves
Eat at Leo's
9. While escaping from the stakeout, who does Scorpio kill?
A cop
A prostitute
A cabbie
A priest
10. Scorpio kidnaps Mary Ann Deacon while she was coming home from where?
Her boyfriend'ss house
A movie
A school play
The supermarket
11. What does Harry do to stop Scorpio from killing him?
Kicks him in the teeth
Shoots him in the leg
Bites him in the arm
Stabs him in the leg
12. Where did the doctor who treated Scorpio's leg wound say he remembered seeing him?
City Hall
An amusement park
A football stadium
13. Where in the stadium does Harry find Scorpio's rifle?
At a concession stand
In a locker room
At a box sffice
In a groundskeeper's office
14. How does Harry "persuade" Scorpio to reveal Mary Ann's location?
He beats him up
He stands on his leg wound
He sings
He threatens to leave him on the football field bleeding to death
15. Because Harry violated Scorpio's civil rights, all the evidence will be inadmissible. The DA says he couldn't convict Scorpio of:
Spitting on the sidewalk
Illegal parking
Indecent exposure
16. How much does Scorpio pay a man to beat him up?
17. After seeing the beat-up Scorpio on TV, Harry says anyone who knows him would say he didn't do it. Why?
Scorpio still has teeth
Scorpio looks too good
Scorpio's lips are moving
Scorpio is still alive
18. Scorpio has trouble keeping his lies straight. Before robbing a liquor store, who does he tell the owner beat him up?
A loan shark
A poker buddy he cheated on
His wife's brother
Some guy in a bar
19. After being shot by Scorpio, Chico has decided to hand in his badge and turn to what profession?
Telephone operator
Running a restaurant
20. What is Harry's marital status?
Happily Married
21. Scorpio hijacks a school bus while claiming to be what?
Stranded motorist
School bus inspector
Substitute driver
22. Scorpio demands $200,000 and that a plane fly him to where?
He'll tell them at the airport
23. Scorpio tells the kids they are on a field trip to where?
A museum
An ice cream factory
The beach
A baseball game
24. Scorpio takes another hostage during the final showdown. What was the hostage doing?
Riding a bike
Flying a kite
25. What does Harry toss into the water after blowing Scorpio away?
His gun
His badge
His police ID

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