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How Well Do You Know: Castle: Season 3, Part 1
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1. "A Deadly Affair" - In the third season opener the detectives give Castle the cold shoulder. What did he do wrong?
He slept with Beckett but is now dating his publisher
His second novel makes them look like fools
He didn't call all summer
He chose their acting counterparts without asking
2. "A Deadly Affair" - The case involves a counterfeiting ring. Which one killed the other three?
The Paper
The Chemicals
The Plates
The Ink
3. "She's Dead, He's Dead" - The victim is a psychic, and her daughter had a dream with this clue that actually works out:
"Ask the Masons"
"Sea, Eye, Eight"
"42nd and LaGuardia"
"Be sure to drink your Ovaltine"
4. "She's Dead, He's Dead" - Another psychic clue leads Castle to reveal his given name to Beckett. He changed his middle name when he became a writer in honor of this famous author:
Alexandre Dumas
Roger Zelazny
James Patterson
Edgar Allen Poe
By way of explanation.....
Richard Edgar Castle was actually born Richard Alexander Rodgers.
5. "Under the Gun" - Castle's daughter brings him breakfast in bed, which of course means she wants something. What is it?
A pair of Star Wars Lightsabers
A bulletproof vest with the word "DAUGHTER" on it
A Hello Kitty backpack
A Vespa scooter
By way of explanation.....
The lightsabers and backpack were things she had previously asked for.
6. "Under the Gun" - The case involves a treasure map, $10 million in sapphires and rubies, and this person from Beckett's past:
Her sister
Her college professor
Her training officer
Her neighbor
7. "Punked" - The victim may be into steampunk, but his car uses a decidedly different technology. What kind of car do the detectives find parked on the street?
A Tesla Roadster
A DeLorean
A Chevy Volt
A pedal-powered car
8. "Anatomy of a Murder" - Castle and his ex-wife bicker over who will give Alexis tickets to a Taylor Swift concert. Which band was the source of 'their' song?
The Rembrandts
Hootie & The Blowfish
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band
By way of explanation.....
Their song: You Shook Me All Night Long.
9. "Anatomy of a Murder" - The case involves a male nurse arranging the escape of his love from a women's prison. Where are they caught?
The Gyro Scope Submarine Cafe
Open Up and Say Ahi
10. "3XK" - The Triple Killer is back, a serial killer Castle studied for his novel "___________"
In a Hail of Bullets
Death of a Prom Queen
When It Comes to Slaughter
Flowers For Your Grave
11. "3XK" - What's The Triple Killer's modus operandi?
By way of explanation.....
The Triple Killer uses a green rope and lays out the victims as if they were sleeping.
12. "Almost Famous" - The investigation takes the detectives to an escort service. Which detective does the owner offer a job because of their "Twilight" looks?
By way of explanation.....
The owner rejects Esposito because he already has "too many A-Rods."
13. "Murder Most Fowl" - Alexis has an unusual babysitting assignment. What's she looking after?
A seventeen year old boy
A stool pigeon
A rat
A grandfather clock
14. "Murder Most Fowl" - The victim, a subway worker, has dozens of photos and a very large number on his apartment wall. What's he tracking?
The number of birds spotted
The number of lightbulbs replaced
The number of miles ridden
The number of passengers greeted
15. "Close Encounters of the Murderous Kind" - The victim was an employee at NASA. What was the cause of death?
Explosive decompression
Overdose of X-rays
Rapid G-force acceleration
Too much alien probing
16. "Last Call" - The case involves a payment for a bar where Castle wrote his first novel. What's the bar's name?
The Castillion
The Old Haunt
The Ego
Cafe Americane
By way of explanation.....
Castle wrote his first novel In a Hail of Bullets in this old speakeasy.
17. "Last Call" - The motive in in this murder case was over bottles of whiskey once owned by:
Thomas Jefferson
Donald Trump
Jimmy Walker
Lucky Luciano
By way of explanation.....
Jimmy Walker was the mayor of New York City during the Prohibition era.
18. "Nikki Heat" - Detective Ryan is planning to propose. How does Castle suggest he do it?
In the interrogation room
Top of the Empire State Building
At the first place they met
On a helicopter ride
By way of explanation.....
Ryan pops the question in the station at the end of the episode with everyone there.
19. "Nikki Heat" - Natalie Rhodes is cast for the Nikki Heat movie role and shadows Beckett. Which action really causes Beckett to snap?
Rhodes sleeps with Castle
Rhodes asks to carry a gun
Rhodes questions a witness
Rhodes takes Beckett's coffee
By way of explanation.....
Castle's initial disapproval of Rhodes: "Nikki Heat is classy." But he doesn't sleep with her because she's not the real thing.
20. "Poof, You're Dead" - The case takes Beckett and Castle to Drake's Magic shop. When he asks her if she knows any good tricks, she responds:
"If only I could make you disappear."
"I know how to keep someone in suspense."
"I do this one thing, with ice cubes."
"A girl never reveals her secrets."

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