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How Well Do You Know: Bones: Season 6 Part 1
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1. Episode 1: Complete the title of the premiere episode -- The ______ in the Room.
2. Episode 1 - The Mastadon in the Room: With Cam's job in jeopardy, everyone returns to D.C. to help her solve the case of _______ and thus, reuniting the team in full.
a murdered Senator
a missing child
a bomb scare at the Jeffersonian
a subway accident that undercovered a Civil War era grave site
3. Episode 1 - The Mastadon in the Room: Which of these is not a correct match of a character and where they were prior to the coming back to help with the case?
Booth / Iraq
Bones / Indonesia
Hodgins / France
Sweets / D.C.
4. Episode 2 - The Couple in the Cave: Based upon an inaccurate computer-generated rendering, which famous actor does everyone claim the male victim looks like?
Brad Pitt
Johnny Depp
George Clooney
Robert de Niro
5. Episode 2 - The Couple in the Cave: Who did it (and by it we mean killed the couple whose remains were found in the cave)?
The park ranger
The girl's co-worker
It was a murder/suicide
6. Episode 3 - The Maggots in the Meathead: The murder victim Richie is clearly a caricature of living caricature The Situation from Jersey Shore. What is Richie's nickname?
Richie the V
Richie the Specimen
7. Episode 3 - The Maggots in the Meathead: Which member of the team is charged with deciphering all the text messages that the victim sent?
Fisher the grad student
8. Episode 3 - The Maggots in the Meathead: The audience learned that the Angela and Hodgins are expecting a baby in the pilot. By the end of this episode, who else knows their secret?
All of the above
9. Episode 4 - The Body and the Bounty: The remains of the victim (his hands and head) are found in a dumpster by whom?
A santitation worker
A bus boy
Homeless dumpster divers
10. Episode 4 - The Body and the Bounty: Which In Living Color alumni guest-starred as Dr. Bunson Jude the Science Dude (a clear take off of Bill Nye)?
Tommy Davidson
Damon Wayans
Jamie Foxx
David Alan Grier
11. Episode 4 - The Body and the Bounty: What is the name of the lazy cadaver dog that Booth relucantly uses?
12. Episode 5 - The Bones that Weren't: A distinct tattoo on the victim's _____ is what led them to discover he was a ballet dancer turned street performer.
13. Episode 5 - The Bones that Weren't: Booth's reporter girlfriend figured pretty heavily in a subplot this week that involved her getting shot while investigating ______.
Corrupt cops
14. Episode 5 - The Bones that Weren't: Fox wasn't about to let an episode about street performers go by without plugging in a guest spot for a contestant from what reality show?
So You Think You Can Dance
American Idol
Dancing with the Stars
America's Got Talent
15. Episode 6 - The Shallow in the Deep: The name of the slave ship where the team discovers a recent murder victim was Amalia ____?
16. Episode 6 - The Shallow in the Deep: Booth is lamenting the wear on his body over the years. Complete this quote he uses to describes himself::"I went to bed _____ and woke up as _____."
Aragorn / Gandalf
Indiana Jones / Henry Jones
Martin Riggs / Roger Murtaugh
Han Solo / Obi-Wan
17. Episode 6 - The Shallow in the Deep: The murder victim was a young man who was all of the following except:
An orphan
An identity thief
A boat captain
'Cougar' bait
18. Episode 7 - The Babe in the Bar: What is the 'Bar' in the title?
A coffin shaped like soap
A bar (i.e. pub, tavern, watering hole)
A law firm
A giant piece of chocolate
19. Episode 7 - The Babe in the Bar: The title could also loosely refer to the final scene in which Angela and Hodgins officially announce they are pregnant (even though everyone already knew). Who was NOT in attendance?
20. Episode 8 - The Twisted Bones in the Melted Truck: Despite being in a truck-sized fire (courtesy of it being loaded down with magnesium), what is the victim's cause of death?
21. Episode 8 - The Twisted Bones in the Melted Truck: Time for the convoluted part. Fill in these blanks to identify the killer. The victim is murdered by his ______'s _______'s ________?
wife / boyfriend / ex-girlfriend
father / co-worker / wife
son / teacher / daughter
boss / wife / ex-husband
22. Episode 8 - The Twisted Bones in the Melted Truck: In the non-murdery subplot, Booth's girlfriend Hannah is finally introduced to whom?
23. Episode 9 - The Doctor in the Photo: In the opening holiday dinner, who is the one performing an "autopsy" on the turkey?
24. Episode 9 - The Doctor in the Photo: Bones spends this episode overly identifying with the victim, has 'conversations' with the victim and gets help from a night security gaurd named Micah. Micah was played by an actor from what short-lived series?
Veronica Mars
My So-Called Life
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
By way of explanation.....
It is possible that Micah is just a hallucination (just like the conversation she had with the victim). This is supported by Booth not knowing who Micah is at all.
25. Episode 9 - The Doctor in the Photo: Finally, the case makes Bones realize she does feel something for Booth and confesses "I made a mistake." What is his three-word response?
You love me?
So what now?
I'm with someone.
Yes, you did.

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