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How Well Do You Know: Unbreakable
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I'm almost embarrassed to say this, but I loved this movie. Probably seen it 5 times. Good quiz!
cambric 6/30/10 9:36 am


1. In the opening scene, we meet Baby Elijah right after being born in a department store. The doctor who tends to him is very distraught, why?
He don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies.
The baby is premature and not breathing.
The baby’s arms and legs are broken.
The baby has no eyes.
2. When we meet David Dunn (Bruce Willis), he’s on a train to Philadelphia. A woman sits next to him and he proceeds to fireball. What does Kelly do for a living?
She’s a lawyer on her first big case.
She’s a Medical Student on her way to her first residency.
She’s a singer/actress hoping to make it big on Broadway.
She’s a sports agent who’s in town to check out a football player.
3. After Eastrail Train 177 derailed, what was so unique about David?
He was the only survivor of this crash, and he didn’t have a scratch on him.
He wasn’t listed as a passenger on this train.
He was on the train only because Jacob told him he was needed to stop the Smoke Monster.
Like Baby Elijah, both his arms and legs were broken.
4. After the memorial service for the passengers of Eastrail #177, David finds a note on his car. What did it say?
How did you make it off that train alive?
How many days of your life have you been sick?
It was a note from the police asking him to come in for questioning.
It wasn’t a note, it was a parking ticket.
5. David works as a security guard. Where?
The hospital.
The train station.
The airport.
A football stadium.
6. When he was a child, what did Elijah’s mother get Elijah that forced him to leave the apartment and actually go outside?
A basketball.
A comic book.
A puppy.
A bike.
7. Because of his affliction, what nickname have the school kids given Elijah?
Broken Boy.
Plastic Man.
Mr. Glass.
Nick Fury.
8. As David retraces his health history, only one blemish (or hole, as Elijah calls it) exists. What is it?
He was in a car accident that ended his football career.
He had chicken pox when he was in the 5th grade.
He once fell down the steps and broke his ankle.
4 words: Bring. Out. The. Gimp.
9. What is the name of Elijah Price's Comic Art Gallery?
Downtown Comics.
Limited Edition.
The Fantasy Shop.
Action Comics.
10. David’s son, Joseph, tried to prove to David that he’s “special”. Which of these is NOT a method he uses?
He tries to shoot David.
He loads up the barbell on a weight bench.
He runs out into the street in front of a bus.
He tries to get him to play football with the guy from question 2.
11. How does Elijah end up meeting David's wife?
She’s a physical therapist and he’s her new patient.
She’s a shrink and he’s her new patient.
She’s a surgeon and he’s her new patient.
He can track a falcon on a cloudy day, he can find her.
12. What injury do we find out David sustained in the car accident that ended his football career?
He blew out his left knee.
His throwing shoulder was crushed.
He had a major concussion he could never get over.
He lied. He was not injured at all.
13. Ever the narcissist, M. Night Shyamalan casts himself in all of his films. Who did he play in Unbreakable?
The doctor who diagnosed Baby Elijah’s legs.
The doctor who told David he was the only survivor of the train crash.
A guy trying to sneak a gun into the stadium.
A guy trying to sell drugs in the stadium.
14. During a creepy phone message, Elijah tells David what his one weakness is. What is it?
His son, Joseph.
David has no weakness.
15. Where does David go to try to test out his hero skills?
The mall
The train station
Nakatomi Tower
A football game
16. While in the train station (did you get it?), David “sees” all of the following crimes being committed, except:
Jewelry theft.
A carjacking.
A racist hate crime.
A date rape.
17. Where does David go after leaving the train station?
Home. He and his wife have just started to get along again.
The stadium. He was already late for work.
Elijah’s shop to discuss what he saw at the station.
He follows a man who has imprisoned a family in their home.
18. What almost spoils David's super hero debut?
The cops - they always spoil a good hero debut.
He went into the wrong house.
He was surprised by the bad guy and thrown in the pool.
By the time he got there, the family was already dead.
19. How does he ultimately defeat this bad guy?
Puts him in a lethal choke hold.
He does that cool snap the neck thing they do in movies.
Drowns the guy in the pool.
Uses the father's gun to shoot him.
20. How does Joseph learn of his dad's heroism?
He was friends with one of the imprisoned girls.
They showed a video taken with the family’s security camera and he recognized David.
Elijah leaves another creepy message congratulating David for his act.
David shows him a newspaper article about the incident. Shhhhhhh.
21. As it turns out, Elijah is the super villain to David’s superhero. How does David learn this?
Elijah tells him.
He shakes Elijah's hand.
The police show up linking Elijah to a series of events.
Elijah’s mother begs David to help her son.
22. All of the following events were caused by Elijah, except:
Hotel fire
The train crash David was in.
School explosion
A plane crashing on takeoff.
23. What does David do with this information?
Nothing yet…you’ll have to wait for Unbreakable 2.
Leads the police to Elijah where evidence of terrorist acts are found.
Gives Elijah one chance to go straight.
Throws Elijah from the upper floor window of his Limited Edition studio.
24. Now…since The Last Airbender is hitting theaters this week, I’m sneaking in a question from the animated series. Aang, our new hero, is the last of his kind, Airbenders. Which nation is after him?
The Fire Nation.
The Water Nation.
The Earth Nation.
Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation.
25. Not including Last Airbender, M. Night Shyamalan has written 7 features. 6 of them, he directed. Which kiddie flick about talking animals did he, surprisingly, pen as well?
Eddie Murphy's version of Dr. Doolittle.
The first live action Scooby Doo.
The first Stuart Little.
Alvin and the Chipmunks.

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