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How Well Do You Know: A Nightmare on Elm Street
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1. What town did Freddy terrorize?
2. What was Freddy’s crime?
Child murder
Home invasion robbery
3. Where did Freddy take his victims?
To his house
To a public restroom
To an abandoned boiler room
To McDonald’s
4. How does the film start?
Nancy is watching Halloween on TV.
Tina, Rod and Glen are picking Nancy up for school.
Nancy’s mother is enjoying her morning cocktail.
Freddy is making his knife-glove.
5. You know we can’t have a quiz about Nightmare on Elm Street without doing the rhyme. So, complete the line “One, two...”
“...buckle my shoe.” Wait; wrong rhyme.
“...Freddy turns hair blue.”
“...Freddy’s coming for you.”
“...Freddy cuts you in two.”
6. According to Glen, what culture gets all its music, literature and art from dreams?
7. Once upon a time, TV stations stopped broadcasting before the wee small hours of the morning. What does the film show on Glen’s TV that indicates the channel’s programming has ended for the night?
An infomercial begins
Taps plays
The screen goes blank
The National Anthem plays
8. What interesting reading material is Nancy perusing when she chats with Glenn on the bridge?
The Art of War
Booby Traps and Improvised Anti-Personnel Devices
The Joy of Sex
How I Made a Hundred Movies in Hollywood and Never Lost a Dime
9. Complete this portion of the rhyme: “Three, four...”
“...he’s under your floor.”
“...there’ll be lots of gore.”
“...better lock your door.”
“...they need to take seven and they might take yours.” Sorry. Wrong rhyme. Again.
10. What souvenir did Nancy’s mother keep from Freddy Flambé?
His sweater
His knife-glove
His fedora
The leftover marshmallows
11. Where did Tina’s mother go for her romantic weekend getaway?
Vegas, baby!
Atlantic City, baby!
Disney World, baby!
Tijuana, baby!
12. Pretty much everyone knows that Nightmare on Elm Street was Johnny Depp’s first film role, but there’s another actor in the film who also became more well-known for later work. For what role is the actor who played the doctor at the sleep clinic better known?
Roger Rabbit
13. What’s Nancy’s last name?
14. Once again courtesy of Glen, how do the Balinese get rid of monsters should they dream up any?
By shouting, “Go away, monster!”.
By telling themselves it’s actually a puppy.
By turning their back on the monster, robbing it of power.
By screaming themselves awake, just like everybody else in the world.
15. Another portion of the rhyme to complete: “Five, six...”
“...hear his knife-glove click.”
“...better do high-kicks.”
“...die by cuts and nicks.”
“...get a crucifix.”
16. What does Nancy’s mother say is Nancy’s gift?
She faces things.
She's a fighter.
She's a problem-solver.
She's not an alcoholic. Yet.
17. When Freddy calls and essentially tells Nancy he’s killed Glen, what part of him emerges from her phone?
His finger.
His head.
His tongue.
Not that! You’ve got yourself a dirty mind there, sport.
18. How does Nancy wake herself from the dream she has in English class?
By telling herself, “This is only a dream, it’s not real”.
By burning herself on a hot pipe in the boiler room.
By her teacher shaking her shoulder.
By running headlong into a brick wall. She’s none too bright, our Nancy.
19. Yes, we’re going to do the whole damned thing: “Seven, eight...”
“...Freddy just can’t wait.”
“...are you gaining weight?”
“...gonna stay up late.”
“’re on Freddy’s slate.”
20. When Nancy went to put Tina’s crucifix back over the bed, how did she affix it to the wall?
With a nail.
With picture-mount tape.
With picture wire.
It was one of those self-adhering crucifixes.
21. What change in atmosphere indicates one has entered the dream state?
Light rain
The scene’s in black-and-white. Everything looks worse in black-and-white.
22. In the film, what does Nancy tell Glen the Guinness World Record is for consecutive number of days gone without sleep?
23. What does Glen say sucks?
Sound effects tapes
24. What play is being read in English class as Nancy dozes off?
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Julius Caesar
You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown
25. And finally - yes, we know you’re happy to hear it - complete: “Nine, ten...”
“...he’s around the bend.”
“...death he’ll always vend.”
“...will this never end?”
“...never sleep again.”

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