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How Well Do You Know: 12/11/06-12/17/06
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1. The NFL announced that which funky performer would be featured at halftime at the Super Bowl?
James Brown
George Clinton
Taylor Hicks
2. Which perpetually troubled personality was arrested on a DUI charge in Los Angeles, admitting she was on Vicodin and pot?
Kate Moss
Mischa Barton
Britney Spears
Nicole Richie
3. In what was eventually revelaed to be a staged stunt, what commedian was appararently punched in the face after an audience member jumped on stage and assaulted him?
Carrot Top
Lewis Black
Steven Wright
Pauly Shore
4. Guitar Hero ran an interview that stated members of what band invited its former lead singer to rejoin, despite years of bad blood among the parties?
Culture Club
Van Halen
Guns N' Roses
5. In further music news, following publication of a story in the National Enquirer, rumors swirled that this news-making band may split up after the 2007 Grammys:
Dixie Chicks
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Pearl Jam
The Killers
6. What pop singer is attempting to block a somewhat (but not really) similarly-named porn star from trademarking the latter's stage name?
Mariah Carey
Jessica Simpson
Mandy Moore
7. A USA Today/Gallup poll recently named Tom Hanks the most popular film star. Who ranked as the least?
Julia Roberts
Russell Crowe
Tom Cruise
Edward Norton
8. Evel Knievel sued a rapper over a video in which the hip-hop star assumed a daredevil persona. Who was the defendant named in the suit?
Kanye West
Kool Moe Dee
9. Publishers of which men's magazine said that they would discontinue publication of the US edition?
10. Which of the ladies on The View landed in hot water after mocking Asian accents?
Joy Behar
Elisabeth Hasselback
Rosie O'Donnell
Barbara Walters
11. "It's great to be back in England. I feel like Jack The Ripper days are back. Nothing ever changes here." Following a string of murders of prostitutes, these remarks from which American film director, appearing at the British Comedy Awards (?), earned well-deserved boos:
Clint Eastwood
Martin Scorsese
Michael Moore
Oliver Stone
12. On Monday, at the end of its first week of release, which DVD had sold 10.5 million copies?
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
The Devil Wears Prada
A Prairie Home Companion
Little Man
13. What domain did NBC have to buy because of a Conan O'Brien skit?
14. What campy 1980's film musical is being turned into a Broadway production?
The Jazz Singer
Grease 2
15. Notorious celebrity biographer Kitty Kelley is planning a book on which personality?
Kenny Rogers
O.J. Simpson
Oprah Winfrey
Tom Cruise

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